Chapter One: His Friend is a Stoner

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Author's Note:
Any familiar character from the Sonic Franchise is obviously not mine.
If anyone has any ideas you would like to see in the story, let me know! I might take your advice!
And also, if any 'swear' words offend you, this isn't a story for you. Thank you for taking the time to read this and feedback is appreciated!
Rouge's POV~
My alarm clock went off at 6:00 a.m., as usual. That started my normal morning routine. Get up, shower, eat breakfast, get dressed, apply makeup, then go to school. Every day was the same as the last, I would catch up with my friends at school and then I would pretty much watch the clock for the rest of the day until school let out. On occasion my friend's boyfriend would get into an argument with Vector, the school pot-head, but other than that nothing interesting ever happened.
I went into school and straight up to my locker, picking up my books for first and second block. By the time I shut my locker, in came Vector, the school stoner.
He wore a black t-shirt and jeans, with a flannel shirt over it with the sleeves rolled up almost to his elbows, his headphones around his neck, and then of course his notorious black SnapBack with a marijuana leaf on it. I never understood why he wore that hat to school, he knew the staff would make him remove it and put it in his locker.
I rolled my eyes at his entrance, he always started trouble, nobody liked him, except for Shadow and Espio, that is.
Espio was a total fuckboy. Everyone knew it, and he still didn't care. He'd date a girl long enough to get in her pants and then he'd dump her. He hated me because I wouldn't play that stupid game of his, so he normally left my friends and I alone, unless provoked.
Shadow though, he was the very definition of a bad boy. He didn't talk much unless it was to Vector. He drove a motorcycle, he always wore a leather jacket, and during break he could always be found behind the school smoking a cigarette. He was hot as hell, but my parents would never let me go out with him even if I wanted to.
"Sup' Rouge!" Vector said as he walked past me. I just rolled my eyes. "Hello, Vector," I sighed. He just laughed his obnoxious laugh and went for his locker. He knew his very presence annoyed me, and that's why he just had to make himself known.
Soon later though my friend Amy came into school and we chatted until it was time for first block. I hated first block, the only thing it consisted of was loads of class work and smarty-pants Silver answering every question. Silver was a teacher's pet, he had been one for as long as I can remember. He was bound to be valedictorian unless a new student came in or something.
But of course because of his intelligence all of the jocks would pick on him. They did this until recently. At the beginning of the year the jocks shoved him into a locker, Shadow's locker. Once he opened it and Silver finally worked up the courage to tell him who did it, Shadow beat the living shit out of one of the football players. Sure he got a few detentions, but he didn't seem to care. So from then on out Silver never had much of a problem. If he did it was immediately shut down.
Once the bell rang it was time for break. Amy and I grabbed a snack and then we started to walk around the school. We always went outside during break, fresh air always made someone feel better.
As we walked to the back of the school the fresh air soon turned into the smell of nicotine. We turned the corner and there he sat, crouched down blowing grey fumes out his nose. "You know cigarettes kill people, right?" Amy rudely asked the dark hedgehog. Once he exhaled all of the smoke, he simply replied, "Yes."
My heart fluttered at the sound of his deep voice. I didn't hear it much, but when I did it took my breath away, much like that smoke took his.
"Then why smoke?" Amy questioned him, "There's something called 'second-hand-smoking', have you heard of that?"
"I have," he replied, "But you know, you walked into it. I was back here away from everyone."
She just rolled her eyes and grabbed my arm. "Let's go," she said. I turned around to leave with her, but I took one last glance at the leather-clad hottie. His crimson eyes met my aqua ones. I knew I blushed, I felt it. He took another puff of his cigarette and then looked away. Why me?
I guess Amy saw me checking him out so by the time we went back inside the school she put her hands on her hips with a smug look on her face.
"I saw you checking him out," she giggled, "You don't like him, do you?"
"Of course not!" I said, "I mean, he's good-looking and all, but I-"
"What?!" Amy interrupted, "You can't like him, he's a punk! Why would you even find him attractive? He always has this weird, distant look on his face. He's probably gonna die, he doesn't wear a helmet while he's on his motorcycle. And on top of that he smokes! Rouge, his friend is a stoner! Shadow probably smokes the devil's lettuce too!"
"Oh my gosh Amy," I groaned, "I know, I know. Chill out, I'm not gonna date him, ever. I don't even think he's interested in me!"
"Okay, I'm sorry," she said, "I just can't even stomach the thought of you and him. He's so.. I don't know, he's trouble."
I just nodded in agreement at what she said. I knew I had no chance of winning that battle, so I just kept my mouth shut.
After a couple of hours and a class in a half went by, it was time for lunch. I sat down with Amy as usual, and began to eat my salad. She talked and talked, and soon later our table was filled with our other friends. Blaze and whatnot. I sort of tuned her out and found myself looking past her to the table behind us. Vector, Espio, and Shadow sat there. Nobody else dared to, all of the girls hated Espio, and Vector was never liked by the other students in the first place.
That never stopped their antics though, you could hear their conversation over everyone else's. Vector would make a stupid joke and then cackle over it for a good five minutes, and then Espio would tell them about how he hooked up with a hot blonde named Amanda or something along the lines of that. Shadow though, he wouldn't say much. He would normally just nod or chuckle just to make Vector happy, though it wasn't like that lasted long.
Of course Amy saw me and then she had to tell everybody at the table about how we saw Shadow smoking. So immature.
After lunch, third, and fourth block though, was finally what I desperately waited for: time to go home.
I told Amy goodbye and went to go to my car. But, someone was standing by the driver's door. It was Shadow, and he was looking at me, waiting for me. He watched me exit the school and he watched me walk down the stairs. I knew he saw me pause in confusion, and there wasn't any way of getting out of talking to him now.

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