Chapter Twelve: It's a Suprise

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Author's Notes:
I do apologize for the wait, things have came up recently and I have not had the chance to write. I do appreciate comments and votes, so if you're enjoying the story, let me know! When I know people are enjoying my story, it makes me want to update this story more quickly. Again, sorry for the wait, I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Rouge's POV~
Prom Night
Amy and I rode with a large group to the venue. The limo was nice, but I had other things on my mind.
I couldn't wait to see him.
Once we arrived, I began to look around.
He's probably leaned up against the wall somewhere.
And he was. He stood away from everyone else with his usual frown.
He looked so handsome. His suit was black (of course), and his tie matched my dress. As soon as our eyes met, one corner of his mouth slightly curved, and I walked up to him.
"You look gorgeous, you know."
"Thank you," I blushed, "You look very handsome yourself."
He just shrugged. He knew he was good looking, he just never showed that he knew.
We had a nice time. We had some strawberry punch and we danced for a while. (Only the slow songs, though.) I kept seeing Amy give me that, 'you-know-I'm-gonna-tell-your-parents' death glare, but honestly, I didn't give a shit. I was having so much fun being around Shadow, that I didn't care who knew.
We stayed there for a couple of hours, until Shadow wanted to leave.
"Why don't we go somewhere else?" He asked, "Somewhere more, private?"
"Sounds good to me," I replied.
Surely it's just so we can hear each other better, it is loud in here.
We ended up sneaking out of the venue and we walked to that familiar corvette. "I didn't think you'd be comfortable riding a motorcycle in a dress."
"You're so considerate!"
He winked at me and opened the passenger door. I got in, and once he hopped in the car, we sped off.
"So," I asked, "Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise," he answered.
"Oh, I like surprises!"
He smirked.
He's so up to something.

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