Chapter Thirteen: Our Song

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Author's Notes:
Sorry for the wait, I've been very busy lately. I'll probably set up a chapter schedule soon though, I'll let you guys know when I'll be updating this story. And thank you for voting on the last chapter! I really appreciate it!
Rouge's POV~
As we went on our way, he turned on the radio. It was the same song that played on our first date.
What song is this?
"So," I said, "I thought we were going to your house after this."
"We can," he replied, "I wanted to show you something really quick though."
"Oh, okay."
We sat in silence for a little bit, until I broke it.
"What song is this?"
"Are You With Me by Sixx A.M.. Why?"
"It was playing on our first date, I've wondered what it was since then."
"It's our song."
I smiled a little bit, "We have a song?"
"We do now, babe."
I watched the corners of his mouth curve, he was so cute when he smiled.
We drove for a while until we took a couple of backroads to a little cliff, it was as if you could see the whole city.
"Shadow, this is gorgeous!" I said.
"I thought you might like it," he replied.
"I love it!"
We sat there and talked as we listened to the radio. It was so nice.
Later on he leaned over and kissed me, I kissed back of course. After that, he whispered in my ear:
"Wanna take this to my house?"
"And then do what?"
"Whatever you want to do."
You know where this is going.
"Sure. Let's go."
He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and we started to his house.
Are you really gonna do this?

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