Chapter Seventeen: Waiting All Day

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Shadow's POV~
After the intercom went off, I just sat there.
Vector didn't win anything.
And it killed me, I didn't give a shit if I won anything or not. The people that I was concerned about was my girlfriend and my best friend.
Even though I was upset about Vector, I was so happy for Rouge. Girls like getting their picture taken or something.
So, when the bell rang for school to let out, I went outside and waited by her car, as usual. Once she walked outside and looked at me, her eyes lit up.
You're so gorgeous.
My mouth curved up slightly as she walked over to me.
"Shadow, did you hear the intercom?" Rouge asked as she started putting her books in her car.
"I did," I replied, "I told you that you would get it."
She smiled, "You were right. Is that what you wanted to hear?"
"Mmhm," I answered as I leaned in and kissed her.
Once we broke apart, I said, "I hate to cut our conversation short, babe, but I gotta head on home. I'll see you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow, Shadow!"
Once I went home and opened the front door, I frowned.
I missed her already.
And it didn't really help that I basically had lost all of my friends.
I wonder how Vector is doing?
I sighed and went up to my room. Once I sat on the edge of my bed I pulled out a cigarette.
Hell, I've been waiting all day for one.

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