Chapter Fifteen: Some Stupid Cigarette

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Rouge's POV~
That night with him meant everything to me.
I thought about him all weekend, how could you not after a night like that?
Once Monday finally came and I went to school, Amy had a few questions.
"So," Amy asked, "Where did you and Shadow go Friday night? I started looking for the two of you, did you leave?"
I sighed. I didn't want to have this conversation. "Yes, Amy. We left, but we left so we could hear each other better."
Technically, that's not a lie.
"Oh," Amy replied. She so wasn't buying it. "Did you have a nice conversation with him?"
I guess you could say that.
"Um, yeah," I answered. I didn't want to kiss and tell. He was my first. I didn't want everyone in the school to know our business. (Even though they had probably figured out that we were dating at the prom.)
"Well, a lot of people have came up to me and asked if you and Shadow are dating. I've just said that they needed to mind their own business."
I smiled.
Thanks Amy.
"Thank you," I grinned, "Now it's my turn. How was your time at the prom?"
"Oh, it was fun! Sonic and I danced a lot, then later we went out with the rest of our friends and had dinner."
"That sounds nice."
"It was! Thank you for asking!"
It was so easy to change the conversation when talking to Amy. All I had to do was mention Sonic, her boyfriend, who only recently gave her a chance. (They're such a cute couple.)
By that time, Shadow walked into school. As usual, he removed his aviators, but instead of trudging to his locker, he walked over to me.
Is he smiling? Aww, he's happy to see me!
"Good morning, Shadow!"
I felt my face heat up, I couldn't help but to think about Friday night when I saw him.
"Attention," the intercom boomed, "All seniors should report to the library during homeroom to vote for 'Who's Who' in the yearbook."
Shadow looked at me, "I bet you'll win prettiest smile."
I smiled, "You're so sweet!"
"Well, well, well," a familiar voice snickered, "I didn't realize you could be romantic, Shadow!"
It was Espio.
"The hell do you want?" Shadow grumbled as he crossed his arms.
"Oh, nothing," Espio replied, "I was just gonna ask you a question, but I can already tell the rumors are true! Don't take this the wrong way Rouge, but I think you can do better."
"And I think if you would decide to wrap it before you tap it, it would prevent that itchy rash you've told your friends about," I retaliated.
I literally just made that up, but it sure did cause some people to look over, and it definitely embarrassed Espio.
A smirk crept across Shadow's face. He chuckled.
It was pretty funny, wasn't it?
By that time, the bell rang to go to first block and Espio stomped off.
"Nice one," Shadow chuckled, "I guess I'll see you in the library in a little while."
"Yeah," I replied, "Are you gonna skip your smoke break?"
"I'd rather see you than go and smoke some stupid cigarette."
I couldn't help but smile, "I'll see you later, Shads!"
"See you later, babe."

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