Chapter Six: Breaking Rules

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Rouge's POV~
Once I made it home, I walked into the kitchen to grab a quick snack before I went to my room.
"Hey Mom. Hey Dad," I said as I grabbed a bag of chips from the counter.
"Hi sweetheart," my mother responded as she put some meatloaf in the oven,
"How was school?"
"It was fine," I replied as I started to walk out of the kitchen.
Should I tell them?
Tell them.
"Um," I began, "Remember Shadow? He asked me out again. Can I go?"
"Oh, now you wanna get permission?" My father asked sarcastically, "When?"
"Saturday," I answered, "I'm sorry that I didn't ask, but I was just so worried that-"
"No," my father interrupted.
"Sir?" I asked, "No, what?"
"No you cannot go on another date with that punk. He's bad news."
"He isn't a punk!" I retaliated, "He's-"
"I said no."
There wasn't any reason arguing with him. I just crossed my arms and stomped upstairs to my room.
Once I sat down on my bed, I pulled out my phone and texted Shadow:
"Shadow, I'm sorry but I can't go. My parents are being stingy and won't let me."
"Your parents? What time to they go to sleep?"
That's an odd question. Wait a minute.
"About 10:30, 11:00. Why?"
"If you're up for it, I'll pick you up then."
Sneaking out?! That's actually not a bad idea.
"Okay. What time?"
"Text me when you get outside."
"Alright, will do babe."
That was the end of our conversation.
He called me babe.
I just sighed and opened my bag of chips. Now I just had to wait for Saturday night.
I hope I don't get caught.

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