Chapter Twenty: You Don't Need It

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Shadow's POV~
"Have you ever thought about quitting?"
I paused.
Well, answer your girl.
"I- uh, no."
It never crossed my mind. When I picked up the habit I knew the consequences and such, I just didn't give a shit.
But now, she's your number one priority. What would happen if you lost her?
Or if she lost you?
"I don't want to turn this into an argument or anything, Shad," Rouge stated, "But it is unhealthy, and you may be better off without the cigarettes. Besides, isn't there something else you could do that would prevent you from smoking? Like, I don't know, chewing gum?"
Shit, you have a point.
I blew out the remainder of smoke that was in my lungs and then put out my cigarette.
"Well, babe, if we're gonna be blunt here, I can't just quit. I mean, I could, but that would be hard to do.
It would take longer to smoke one less cigarette everyday, but it would probably be more effective, if that makes sense."
Rouge nodded. She was trying to act like the conversation wasn't a big deal to her, but I knew it was.
Honestly, I kind of felt shitty. I had already scared her once today with the peanut situation, and now she was worried about the cigarettes.
I guess she really does care.
I sat beside her on my bed and kissed her, once we pulled apart, I put my arm around her and pulled her close.
"I'll quit, for you."
Rouge smiled a bit, "Don't just quit for me Shadow, quit for yourself. It affects you too, you know."
"Yeah I know," I replied as I kissed her neck, "But I'm more concerned about you, love."
She wrapped her arms around me as I pulled her into my lap.
She's so gorgeous.
After a while of fooling around, she asked, "Shadow, what time is it?"
I checked my phone, "4:20,"
Heh, blaze it.
"Why do you ask, babe?"
She got off of me and sighed, "My parents are gonna ground me for being gone so long."
And that stopped us when..?
I frowned. "You can't make it home a little bit later? You said it yourself, you're gonna get in trouble anyway, why not have a little fun before you have to leave?"
She smirked, "Is that what you want? What if your parents walk in?"
"They don't get home until later, Rouge. Nobody is gonna walk in on us."
She paused, and then grinned, "I guess it would be okay."
Hell yeah.
A little while after our time together, we washed off, got dressed, and then I walked her to her car.
"See you tomorrow, Rouge."
She smiled, "See you tomorrow, Shadow!"
I thought for a moment, "Hey, babe?"
She looked at me, "Yes, Shad?"
Do it.
Say it.
I took a deep breath, and sighed.
"Uh, let me know when you make it home."
"I will, sweetheart!" She replied.
We both shared a quick kiss, and as soon as she left, I went back to my room.
Dumbass. Why didn't you say it?
How hard is it to say three words?
I sat on the edge of my bed and grunted. I was pissed at myself.
As I sat there and moped, my eyes trailed over to that familiar box of cigarettes that I loved so much.
"Nope," I said to myself, "You don't need it."
I got up, and went downstairs to the kitchen.
"I'll have dinner instead."

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