Chapter Twenty-One: Baby Steps

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Shadow's POV-
When I arrived at school the next day, I was already pissed at everybody, I hadn't had my morning cigarette.
To be honest, the last cigarette that I smoked was the one I lit with Rouge over.
I walked into the building and sighed.
I need a cigarette.
I looked to see if my girlfriend was there, and she was, right by her locker.
I swear, she always looks so beautiful.
She smiled at me, and I did the same as I walked over to her.
"Hey Shads!" Rouge said cheerfully as our lips met for a quick kiss.
"Hey, pretty lady."
She blushed, "So, how are you doing on cutting down on cigarettes?"
"I haven't had one since you were over," I answered.
"Really? Oh Shadow, I'm so proud of you!"
That's great to hear you say that, babe.
The corners of my mouth curved up as I listened to her. Every now and then, I'd look towards the entrance of the school to see who arrived. When Vector came in, he walked up to us.
"Hey Rouge, Shadow," Vector greeted as he stopped in front of us.
"Hi Vector," Rouge replied sweetly.
I gave a head nod to Vector, "Hey."
"I was just wondering, are you feeling any better?"
Holy shit, you give a shit?
"Yeah, I'm alright," I answered, "Thanks for asking."
"No problem," Vector said, "So uh, I guess I'll see you guys around?"
I shook my head yes as Rouge said, "Of course, Vector."
He smiled a little bit and walked off.
That was odd.
"The hell do think that's about?" I asked Rouge.
"He's probably just trying to make amends with you."
"I guess."
The bell then rang. "I'll see you during break, Shadow!"
"See you then."

First block was awful. Everybody was so loud, one dumbass kept asking ridiculous questions:
"Hey, Shadow, can I borrow a pencil?"
"Fuck you."
As soon as it was over, I went to the back of the school.
Just one, just one.
I crouched in my normal hiding spot and pulled out my cherry-red lighter.
I lit the cigarette, closed my eyes, and inhaled deeply.
Once I exhaled and opened my eyes, I saw Rouge and Amy walking around the corner.
"I thought you told a certain someone you'd quit!" Amy scolded, "This is why I don't like you, Shadow. You're such a liar!"
"Hey!" Rouge snapped, "He's not a liar! This stuff takes time, Amy. You didn't have to come out here."
I smirked.
Yeah, Amy. You didn't have to come here.
Amy just rolled her eyes and went back inside.
Once she did, Rouge came and sat beside me.
"Rouge," I said, "I was gonna break someone's neck if I didn't have one."
"It's okay," she replied as she rested her head on my shoulder, "I'm still proud of you. I don't expect you to quit in a day, Shadow. Just take baby steps."
I nodded as I finished my cigarette. I took extra caution to make sure I blew the smoke away from her.
When I was done, we both walked back into the school.
We hung out for the duration of break, and then when the bell rang, we went our separate ways.
"Bye, Shadow, I'll see you soon."
"Bye, Rouge."
I walked to my classroom and sat down. I then slid all of my books under my desk, and laid my head down.
Well, time for a nap.

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