Chapter Twenty-Three: Since Yesterday

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Author's Notes:
I know it's been awhile, but the next chapter is here! This one is short because graduation is about to be here, so a time skip is in check. I'd like to know some input from my readers though. Is there anything that you'd like to see happen? If so, leave a comment, I'll take it into consideration! Thank you for the votes, enjoy the story!

Rouge's POV~
The next day at school I told Shadow what happened.
He chuckled, "That's pretty funny."
"What? How is getting my phone taken away funny?"
"Not that," he replied, "It's funny because all you said was 'hell'. I mean, at least you didn't say 'fuck', right?"
I rolled my eyes at him, "I guess, but still, I have no phone. What am I supposed to do with my life?"
"Well, you could hang out with me," he said slyly, "I have the house to myself until 9:00, we could watch a movie or something."
"There's no way they would let me go somewhere after they've taken my phone, but thank you anyway, Shad."
He nodded, "No problem, babe."
Then, the bell rang.
"Well, I guess I'll see you later Shad!" I said.
"Yeah, I'll see you later. Hey, guess what?"
He leaned in, "I haven't smoked since yesterday."
"That's great Shadow!" I smiled. We kissed one another, and then we went off to class.
I'm so proud of him.

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