Chapter Five: He's no Good

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Monday Morning
8:00 a.m.
Rouge's POV~
I never thought I'd be happy about a Monday. My parents freaked out about Shadow, they said he was bad news. They don't even know anything about him, what gives?
Even if they did, they would still say that.
Once I made it to my locker, Amy swiftly ran up beside me. "How was your weekend, girly?"
I smiled at her, "Good. I painted my nails, and went on a date!"
"A date?" Amy asked, "With who?"
"Shadow," I muttered under my breath.
"Who? I couldn't hear you."
"Shadow," I mumbled a bit louder.
She heard me that time.
"Shadow?! You went on a date with Shadow?!"
"Shh!" I hushed, "I don't want everyone in the school knowing my business!"
She stared at me, obviously baffled by my actions. "Rouge, he's trouble! He smokes and his choice of friends are horrible! He's gonna hold you back, he's no good!"
He's no good, huh?
Maybe that's why he's so enticing.
His good looks,
His deep voice,
The way he looks at me,
With such wonder,
Maybe that's why.
He's no good.
By that time, he entered the school.
He removed his aviator sunglasses and went to his locker, he knew I was checking him out.
"Seriously?" Amy scoffed, "He's gonna get you in trouble!"
Maybe I wanna get in trouble.
Geez, what happened to my friend that was always trying to set me up on a date? She should be happy for me!
She should be supportive!
Maybe I should get new friends.
School went by quickly, maybe it was because Vector was absent and nobody had to hear his loud mouth.
I walked out of the school and there was Shadow once again, standing by my car waiting for me. I didn't notice until then, he looked like he didn't get much sleep.
What's wrong?
"Hey," I said cheerfully as I walked up to him, "What's up?"
"Nothing much," he answered, "How about another date? Maybe this upcoming Saturday?"
I'll go anywhere with you.
"Sounds great!" I replied, "I'm not sure what time I'll be able to go. Can I text you this afternoon?"
"Yeah, that'll be fine," he said, "See you tomorrow Rouge."
"See you tomorrow, Shadow."

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