Chapter Twenty-Six: One Last Time

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Author's Notes:
I am so sorry about the delay, but our finale is almost here! One or two more chapters, and then I'll probably have some more Author's Notes. I would like some feedback to know if the readers want more, because there are a few questions that still haven't been answered. Thank you for commenting and voting, it means a lot. Enjoy the story!
Shadow's POV-
We made it to the party, it was fine and all, but honestly I just cared about being with Rouge.
Once we got bored with sitting around and watching our classmates get drunk and fall over, we decided to go back to my house.
Tell her.
When we arrived, we went up to my room as usual. My parents had been having to work a lot lately, so that helped me out. I wasn't really sure if I wanted to deal with that kind of stress.
We sat down on my bed and started fooling around.
Rouge looked up at me,
"Shadow, are we going to be a couple after graduation?"
I frowned. We both knew the answer,
it was no. For the past week we've been trying to figure something out. Neither of us thought that we wanted a long-distance relationship.
I know sure as hell that I didn't.
I wanted to be there with her. I wanted to be able to kiss her when I wanted. To take her everywhere that she's never been, and that just wasn't going to work at this point.
I saw her aqua eyes begin to water.
That broke me.
I pulled her into an embrace as I tried to comfort her. I couldn't. How could I?
I laid both of us down as I gently kissed her.
What more can you do?
Tell her.
Tell her now!
She unburied her face from the white patch on my chest and looked up at me.
"C-can we?"
I knew what she was asking, and all I had to do was nod.
I laid down beside her and pulled her as close as I could. She snuggled up to me as we laid there in silence. We didn't have to say anything, there wasn't a use for words.
Except, there were still those words.
"Rouge," I said as I looked down at my beautiful girlfriend.
She looked back up at me.
"Yes Shadow?"
All I did was stutter.
Get it out, you piece of shit.
I could get my voice any louder than a whisper.
It's harder than you think.
Come on.
"I just-"
You can do it.
"I wanted to-"
Tell her!
"Rouge, I-"
Say it now!
"Rouge, you mean the world to me. And I-"
Do it!
"I love you."
Her eyes widened. And as tears began to well up again, she smiled.
"I love you too, Shadow."
I kissed her. That's all I wanted, to hold, and to kiss, and to be with that one person who made me feel like everything was alright.
We stayed there embracing one another for as long as we could, but eventually I had to take her home.
I got out of the car and walked her up to her door. I didn't want to waste any second, I wanted to be with her any chance I could, screw her parents I didn't care.
We kissed goodnight right in front where anyone that was peering out a window could see.
After we broke apart, I gazed into her eyes.
"I love you."
She smiled as she put her hand on the side of my face.
"I love you too."
She then opened the door, and walked inside. She smiled and blew me one last kiss before shutting the door.
I got back into my father's car and sat quietly, until I finally decided to back out of her driveway and go home.
I was feeling so many things.
I was upset, yet I was in love, what was I supposed to do?
I finally made it back home. I went into my room and looked at my bed.
I sighed, that was it. That was our last time.
Damnit, I'm in love.

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