Chapter Three: Not That Wild

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Rouge's POV~
I rumbled through my closet until I found the perfect outfit.
I slipped on a tight fitting long-sleeve mini dress, paired with sparkling silver heels and a set of silver hoop bracelets to match. I thought I looked super cute! I picked up my phone that was sitting on my cherrywood dresser and checked the time, 7:28.
I put the phone into my purse and I walked downstairs into the living room. Both of my parents sat on the couch watching T.V.. "Well missy, " my father chuckled, "Where do you think you're going so dressed up?" "Well," I replied, "I-"
Ding Dong.
I tried to make it to the door, but my father jumped up and opened it before I could.
There he stood, but instead of his normal white t-shirt, leather jacket, and black jeans, he wore a white button-up shirt that was buttoned up all the way (except for the two top buttons) and khaki colored jeans. He actually tried to clean up for me.
"And who are you?" My dad asked him, I knew he didn't like him by the tone of his voice.
"My name is Shadow. It's nice to meet you, sir." He extended his arm towards my father. My father shook his hand, and I'm sure he probably hurt Shadow, but there was no sign of pain. He didn't pull his hand away immediately like other boys did, he kept eye contact with my dad the entire time.
"And what exactly are you doing on my front porch, Shadow? Do you think you're taking my daughter out on a date or something?"
Shit Dad, don't do this now.
"With your permission, yes sir," Shadow responded in a calm voice.
"Dad, can we leave now?" I asked as I crossed my arms. He turned to Shadow, "You better have her home before ten o'clock. Otherwise you and I will be having a little chat."
Shadow nodded as I squeezed past my father and I stood beside Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome. "Yes sir," he said to my father, "I'll have her home before then." My father angrily closed the door and then I looked up at Shadow. I knew my dad was furious, but I could get in trouble when I got home. I'm just glad my mother didn't get a glance at him, I really would've been in trouble then.
"You look beautiful, by the way." Shadow said to me as we walked down the stairs of the porch. "Thank you," I blushed, "You look nice too." It wasn't until then I noticed that his motorcycle wasn't there. Instead there was a sleek, midnight black corvette waiting for us.
"Nice car," as said as he opened the car door for me, "Is this yours?" "Nope," he replied as he shut my door and got in on the driver's side, "It's my Dad's. I wasn't sure if your parents would let you get on a motorcycle, especially since they hadn't met me yet." I nodded, "They probably wouldn't. So uh, where to?" "Well, if it's alright with you, I thought we could go to that new restaurant that opened up a few weeks ago." "Sounds good to me!" I said as I gazed out the car window.
I still had a million thoughts running through my head. Why now, after all these years, would he ask me out? Did he not notice me until Amy and I found him smoking?
Wait, is he like Espio?
We pretty much rode in silence on the way there, besides the soft tone of the radio.
What is the name of this song?
A bit later though, we made it to our destination. He pulled the chair out for me, and then he took a seat in front of me. Once we ordered our food, he started talking.
"So, Rouge," he paused, "What do you like to do?"
"Nothing special," I replied, "Besides shopping and hanging with friends, I really don't do much. What about you?"
What kind of question was that? He likes to egg houses and other shit.
"Oh, well uh, where do you like to travel?"
"Anywhere. I'll just get on my motorcycle and go. It's nice to go places you've never been."
I smiled, "You're right about that. Okay, now it's my turn: Why'd you ask me out? It's not a problem or anything, but I'm curious."
By that time the waiter came with our food, once he sat it down and left, Shadow answered.
"I just thought I'd take a chance. I thought maybe you coming to me on Monday was a sign. I wanted to act on that."
"Amy came too."
"Yeah, but I don't like Amy. She's a bitch."
I couldn't help but giggle. He's so blunt.
"That's one way to put it," I grinned.
The corner of his mouth slightly curved up as he reached for his drink.
"You know," Shadow stated, "Your father seemed pretty pissed at me when I came to get you."
I froze.
"That was my fault, I didn't tell him I had a date. Don't worry about it."
He looked at me with this odd stare, "Bullshit."
"I'm sorry what?"
"Bullshit," he repeated, "What's the real reason? Was it because I didn't tuck my shirt in?"
I laughed an uncomfortable laugh, "He's just really overprotective."
"Hm," he muttered as he took a sip of his drink.
We talked some more, and I actually learned some new things about him.
He wouldn't mind becoming a mechanic.
He's allergic to peanuts.
He taught himself how to play guitar.
And he's distant, very distant.
After we finished dinner it was too late to see a movie, we must've lost track of time.
Once we made it back to my house he opened my car door and walked me up to the porch.
"I had a nice time," I told him.
"Me too, maybe we could do this again?"
"Sounds great!" I said, "Well, see you at school Monday."
He waved at me and then left. He doesn't seem wild, maybe that was just something he made up so people wouldn't mess with him?
Once I entered my house, I knew I was in for a load of questions.
"Sit down Rouge," my father said, "We have a couple of questions about that date of yours."

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