Chapter Seven: The Motorcycle

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Rouge's POV~
Saturday Night: 11:28
I sat on my bed and waited for that text.
Maybe I shouldn't go.
Instead of dressing up, I just had on some tennis shoes, skinny jeans, a t-shirt, and a jacket. I had no idea where we were going, and the longer I waited, the more nervous I got.
Text him and say you aren't feeling well.
I liked him so much though. I couldn't pass this up, at this point I didn't care what my parents said.
He's no good.
I sat there anxiously, and a few minutes later I got a text:
"I'm outside."
I took a deep breath and opened my window. He was there, wearing his notorious leather jacket. I didn't see a motorcycle or a car though.
I climbed out my window and descended carefully onto the ground.
"Ready to go?"
"Yeah," I whispered, "Where are we going?"
"I thought we could go to my place, my parents aren't home."
Shit, is he like Espio?
"Oh, okay," I replied, "Um, then what?"
"Then we can watch a movie," he said,
Oh, thank God.
"Or whatever you want to do."
Well, shit.
I just nodded and we walked down the block together. Once we turned the corner there was his motorcycle. We hopped on and I wrapped my arms around his waist.
"Have you ever rode a motorcycle before?" Shadow asked me.
"Nope," I answered, my voice a bit shaky.
"Are you nervous?"
I just nodded my head at him, I wasn't just nervous, I was terrified.
"Don't be, I know what exactly what I'm doing."
Then we were off.

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