Chapter Two: He Wasn't Baked

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Rouge's POV~
I took a deep breath and walked over to the ebony hedgehog.
"Uh, hi?" I said to him, a bit confused, "Do you need something?"
He put his hands in his jacket pockets and nodded. "Yeah."
I just stood there, waiting for him to continue on. Is he high?
"We should go out sometime," he said, "Dinner and a movie or something."
I just stared wide-eyed at him. He just asked me out. He's gotta be high.
I blinked a few times to try to comprehend what he just said. I looked at his eyes. Nope, he wasn't baked.
I guess I was looking at him for awhile because he raised an eyebrow. "Are you alright? Hell, if you don't want to I won't make a scene about it or anything." "W-what? Oh, no! No, I'm sorry I was thinking about all the homework I have! Or something, oh, I'm sorry! I-I would love to go on a date with you Shadow."
Geez Rouge, could you have been any more awkward?
"Alright, how about Friday night? 7:30?" He asked me with his monotone voice. I nodded and we exchanged our numbers. I gave him directions to my home, and after we told each other goodbye, he hopped on his motorcycle and left.
Oh no, what have I done? I can't go out on a date with him, my parents would never let me! Amy is gonna freak out! Better yet, I won't tell her.
After I made it home I finished my homework, completed my nightly routine, and laid down in my bed. I pulled the baby blue covers over myself and sighed. One date wouldn't hurt me, I just wouldn't tell anyone until last minute. Simple.
I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. The rest of the week was boring, the same old thing, but as soon as the bell rang on Friday, I went home as quickly as I could and opened my closet.
What to wear?

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