Chapter Eighteen: Peanuts

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Author's Notes:
I have been trying to figure out an update schedule, but unfortunately, some things have come up, and I do not want to promise updating on certain days when I cannot keep that promise. But, I will update as soon as I can. Any chance that I get, I will release a new chapter. Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and thank you for voting, it means a lot!
Rouge's POV~
When Vector finally arrived back at school, I could tell he was on the road to recovery.
Good for you, Vector.
But that did not mean that him and Shadow were best friends again.
He completely ignored Shadow. Later on in the week I heard him tell Espio that Shadow was a piece of shit. It was pathetic.
Even though that Vector was rude, Shadow still took up for him any time that someone was talking about Vector.
That Friday, Shadow and I were sitting together at lunch. Sonic and Amy decided to sit with us too.
"Geez," Sonic complained, "I think that the french fries get soggier every time we have them."
"They do," Amy replied, "But you should be thankful that you have food to eat!"
Shadow rolled his eyes and I grinned at him.
He's so cute when he's annoyed.
While we were eating lunch, some jock came up to our table.
"Hey Sonic," the jock said, (Sonic knew this guy, they played sports together), "I brought a whole bag of cookies for lunch, and I'm full. I'm not gonna finish them. Do you want 'em?"
"Sure!" Sonic said as he happily snatched the bag out of the guy's hands, "Thanks buddy!"
The jock walked off as Sonic grabbed one of the cookies out of the bag.
"Want one?"
Amy grabbed one out of the bag as I shook my head no. Then Shadow asked, "What kind are they?"
"Well, let's see," Sonic answered as he took a bite, "Chocolate Chip."
"That's it?"
Shadow took one of the cookies and took a small bite out of it. He swallowed, then his eyes got big.
"What the fuck Sonic?!"
Sonic looked startled, "What?" He then took another bite of his cookie, "Oh, it's chocolate chip and almonds! What, do you not like almonds?"
My eyes then widened as I remembered:
He's allergic.
"Sonic, he's allergic to peanuts!" I yelled. I was so scared, I didn't know what to do, "Go get the nurse!"
Sonic jumped up and took off as fast as he could. I looked over at Shadow, he started breathing more shallowly, and his face started turning red.
By this time, everyone in the lunchroom was staring. Vector stood up and ran to Shadow, "Dude, where's your Epipen?"
"M...My.. Lo.. Locker.." Shadow answered hazily.
I didn't know his combination, and I'm sure that by the time he told me, and I ran to get it, the nurse probably would've been in the lunchroom.
Vector ran out of the lunchroom, pushing people out of his way as he did so. I was panicking. I had no idea what to do.
Shadow laid his head down on the table. By that time, the nurse and Sonic ran back in.
"Shadow, look at me," the nurse said.
Shadow raised his head up and glanced over at her. His face wasn't swollen, it was just really red, like he was running a fever or something.
It was obvious that it was hard to breathe through. He took short, shallow breaths, but he wasn't freaking out like I was. I guess that he's had enough allergic reactions to know what happens, so it didn't frighten him.
It would still scare me though.
Before the nurse could do anything, Vector came charging in, he ran up to Shadow, holding an Epipen, and handed it to him. Without hesitation, Shadow stabbed it into his thigh, and injected it.
It was like relief came over him.
I was relieved too.
"Oh, Shadow, are you gonna be okay?"
"I'm fine," he replied. His breathing wasn't as shallow, and the redness in his face began to fade.
"Thank you Vector," he said.
"Don't thank me, it's- it's what friends are for, dude."
The nurse told Shadow to come with her, they needed to call his parents and then he would most likely go to the hospital.
He nodded, and stood up.
"Shadow, I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything. I didn't know what I could do," I said.
"Rouge, don't apologize. I'm okay. And there really wasn't anything that you could do."
"If you have to leave, please let me know."
"I will, babe."
Once Shadow and the nurse left, Vector and I glared at Sonic.
"He didn't know, Rouge. There's no need to blow this out of proportion," Amy growled.
"Yeah, it was an accident," Sonic added.
"You could've killed him," Vector snapped, "And if that turned out worse than it did, I would've killed you."
By that time, the bell rang, and Vector stomped out of the lunchroom.
That day, Vector earned my respect.
I guess Vector isn't that pathetic after all.

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