Chapter Twenty-Five: Decisions

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Rouge's POV~
A few weeks passed, and graduation was right around the corner, Monday to be exact.
It was Thursday, after school Shadow and I went to his house. I wanted to spend some time with him, considering what I had to tell him.
We sat together on his bed as we talked about graduation.
"It doesn't seem like we should be graduating," I sat as I laid my head on his shoulder, "Everything has went by so fast."
"Agreed," Shadow replied, "It feels like I asked you out on our first date just yesterday."
I smiled. "I'm glad that you did."
"I'm glad too, babe."
"Shadow, I-" I paused.
Can you really do this?
I talked to my parents and Amy for advice, and they're right, my education is important.
But he is too.
He looked at me with a frown, "You're attending that college."
I nodded. "I still want to spend time with you."
"I want to spend some time with you also, but how is this going to work? I can't move to a different city. And you have to live on campus."
I sighed,
"I don't know."
We sat there in silence. You could've cut the tension with a knife.
Eventually, Shadow spoke up.
"Sonic told me he was going to throw a pre-graduation party. I think we should go, it'll be fun. He said it would be Saturday night."
I smiled a little, "Then let's go. Can I come to your house afterwards?"
"Of course you can."
I gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"How many cigarettes have you smoked today?" I asked him.
"None, I'm through."
I smiled as we wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a kiss.
"I'm so proud of you."
"That means the world to me to hear you say that."

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