Chapter Eight: Nicotine

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Rouge's POV
We were on the road for about fifteen minutes until we pulled into a driveway.
It was quaint little house. And just like he said, there wasn't any cars in the driveway.
He helped me off his motorcycle then we went into his house. "You have a nice place," I said, looking around. "Thanks," he replied, "So, what do you wanna do? I could fix us a snack or something and we could watch a movie in my room." "That sounds good," I answered. Once he fixed us some popcorn and grabbed two sodas from the refrigerator, we both went to his room.
His room didn't have much color, it was mostly dark grey and black, with a touch of red here and there. It suited him though.
Once we sat on his bed and picked a movie, I turned to him. "I know this is off topic, but I'm curious. Do you know why Vector wasn't at school any last week?"
He seemed hesitant, but he answered, "Yes."
Well, aren't you going to tell me?
I just sat there confused. "Will you tell me?"
"He's tripping."
What does that mean?
"He's on drugs that make him hallucinate."
I had no idea what to say to that. Even though I didn't like Vector, I didn't want him getting hurt, or worse. I wouldn't wish that on anybody.
"How do you know that it makes him hallucinate?" I asked.
"Because that's what acid does," he replied.
"How do you know what acid does?"
"Because I've seen people on it."
I just sat there quietly. I didn't want to make it awkward.
We decided to drop that conversation and watch the movie. About fifteen minutes into it, Shadow put one of his arms around me. I just scooted closer to him and put my head on his shoulder.
This is heaven.
Unfortunately, when the movie was over he had to take me home. He parked his motorcycle a block away, and then he walked me to my house.
"I had a nice time," I said to him.
"I did too. I'd like to do that again some other time."
I nodded and thanked him. Before he began to leave, I had one more question.
He turned and looked at me, "Yes?"
"Who have you been around that's been on drugs?"
I didn't even have time to react. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into a kiss. I was surprised, but once I got over it I kissed back.
I wish this could last forever.
It felt like it ended as quick as it began.
"Goodnight Rouge."
He walked off and left me standing there surprised. Once he was out of sight I flew back to my window and climbed into my room. I put my pajamas on and crawled into bed.
He tasted like nicotine, but there was something bittersweet about it.
Our first kiss. How exciting, how magical, how-
He never answered my question.

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