Chapter Ten: Prom?

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Author's Notes-
I'm sorry that it's been a few days since I've updated this story, but I went on a mini vacation, and on top of that I didn't really know how I wanted this chapter to go. I think taking a small break helped out though, and I hope you enjoy this next chapter!
And one more thing: This past chapter was voted on. Thank you! This lets me know that someone wants to know what happens next, and that someone is enjoying it. And I really appreciate that!
If anyone has any ideas of what you'd like to see in this story, let me know! Feedback is appreciated.
Rouge's POV~
I didn't talk to him for weeks. My parents found out that I snuck out, and they told me I couldn't talk to him ever again. I would have talked to him at school, but they told Amy they'd pay her to snitch on me if I did.
It was awful. He would try to talk to me, I'd just walk off. He tried to text me, I wouldn't respond. I couldn't help it. I didn't want my parents to be mad at me, I just wasn't wild enough to rebel.
Weeks went on, and prom was right around the corner. Nothing interesting had happened since he kissed me, except the fact that Vector hardly came to school. When he did, he looked awful. Vector and Espio both completely ditched Shadow, which broke my heart.
School wasn't the best, obviously. So of course at the end of the day, I bolted out of the school as soon as possible.
And there he was.
I looked around to make sure Amy wasn't there.
She's gone. Go tell him.
I ran up to him, and blurted everything out as fast as I could. I knew he was trying to get a word in, but I wasn't finished explaining myself.
"Rouge, I-"
"And I wanted to talk to you sooo bad!"
"I forgive you, I was just worried that I-"
"And I tried to sneak away from Amy, but she wouldn't leave me alone!"
"Okay, I get that. Rouge, I'm not ma-"
"I'm so sorry Shadow! I was worried that I'd get in trouble, and I don't like getting in trouble! Getting in trouble means no shopping!"
"Rouge, I-"
"Please, don't be mad! I really like you, I-"
Then, he put his arms around my waist and pulled me into a kiss. I kissed back, and a little later, he pulled away.
"I'm not mad, Rouge. I was just worried that I did something wrong."
"No, of course not. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."
"It's fine," Shadow replied, "But, does this mean we can't go out anymore?"
"I want to," I said, "But now my parents are paranoid that I'll sneak out again."
"We're gonna figure something out. Trust me."
I smiled. I was so happy he wasn't angry, and I was ecstatic he still wanted to see me.
We talked for a little bit, but unfortunately I had to leave. I didn't want my parents getting suspicious.
We exchanged goodbyes, but before he went to his motorcycle, he looked over at me.
"One more thing: I wanted to do this with a big poster and a teddy bear, but with our circumstances, I don't think that would be a good idea. I know we couldn't arrive together, but do you wanna be my date to the prom?"
My eyes widened and my cheeks turned red. "I would love to be your date, Shadow."
The corner of his mouth curved slightly. "Great, I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Rouge."
"See you tomorrow."

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