Author's Notes

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Well, it looks like our story has came to an "end". How'd you like it? Did it end like you thought it would? Was there anything in the story that you wanted to see? Let me know in the comments!

Also, there's still a few details that were left out of this story. Obviously certain holes weren't filled in. (For a reason, of course.) Which could be revealed, but not in this story.

I am currently working on another separate story based on the aftermath of Sonic '06.
(Yes, I know Sonic '06.)
The main character is Silver, and it'll take place in his timeline.
We'll also get to see some familiar faces, unravel a little bit of drama, and fight some bad guys.
This story is already in development, I've already started writing for it, it's just a matter of when I want to publish.

Obviously, Stained Lungs (A Shadouge Story) did not follow the storyline of the Sonic Series. (For good reason, it wouldn't have worked if it had.)
Therefore, you obviously wouldn't find answers in a story based around Silver (and another character), but we could fill plot holes in a sequel!

If I write a sequel, I would love for my readers to sort of steer in which direction they want it to go.
I already have a base for the idea, so writing one shouldn't be difficult.

But, if I do this, it will delay my other story that is in development.

I want to know what my readers think!
It would mean a lot to me if you not only told me what you thought of this story,
but what you would rather see sooner.
If I work on my other story, I could still write a sequel for this one, it just wouldn't be my number one priority.
If you think this story doesn't need a sequel, that would be fine too.
It just depends on what my readers want.

I'd really appreciate hearing what you guys would like to see! It would mean the world to me if you voted and left feedback in the comments.

After I wait a week or so, (Or earlier, depending how it goes) I will leave some more notes in this story to let everyone know what I'm going to do.
So, this story will not be "completed" until I write some more author's notes.

If you want to see more before the results come in, I have written a Shadouge Oneshot if you'd like to check it out!

Thank you commenting and voting, I hope you enjoyed the story!

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