Chapter Four: Take a Trip

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Author's Notes-
If you couldn't tell, this obviously is for mature audiences. Just a quick warning before you read on: This chapter so far has the most crude language as well as drug use.
In other news though, I know that the first couple of chapters haven't been that exciting or anything, but I really do appreciate it if you've stuck with me! If you have any ideas on what you would like to see in the story, let me know.
Oh, and one more thing: there is a song reference.
Song: Guzzle Guzzle
Artist: Hollywood Undead
Saturday, 11:00 a.m.
Shadow's POV~
"Big Black Caddy with some bitches and roughnecks," Vector chucked as he opened his backpack,
"Still ain't rich, rollin' blunts with my paychecks..."
I rolled my eyes, I swear he's dumb as hell.
"Hit the stop, switch it, bust in out on the bowflex, staring at me funny 'cause I'm making her real wet!"
"Shut the fuck up Vector!" I interrupted, "That song is stupid as hell!"
He laughed at me, "Why are you so agitated? Damn, you need to chill out."
I sighed as I took a cig out of the box and lit it. I inhaled. It was like the nicotine went in, and my anger went out.
Vector just grinned as he started making his 'chill pill', "You never told me how that date went."
Once I blew out my hatred I replied, "It went alright, nothing drastic happened. We're going out again soon."
"What, you didn't fuck her?"
"No, you dumbass. I don't want a one-night-stand."
"Oh," he mumbled as he lit up, "Well, what do you want?"
What do you want?
"Dunno," I answered, "I like her though."
Once Vector exhaled he began to cough. I can't even talk to him when he's not high. Better yet, that might not be a bad thing.
Vector passed the blunt to me, "Want some?" he asked as he continued to cough. I thought about it, now wasn't the time though, "Maybe later."
He just shrugged as we both sat in silence. This was normally how I spent a Saturday, sitting in Vector's 'hippie-looking' room and smoking most of my cigs, the occasional joint too, but only on certain days.
"What all did you say?" He asked me, "Ya' know, on your date?"
"We learned some stuff about one another," I replied, "Her parents are strict as hell, they're trying to get her a full ride for college or something."
"Yeah, uh huh," Vector said as he started digging through his backpack again.
What is he looking for? Wait, what's that?
"You wanna try this with me?" He asked as he pulled out a little box.
"What's in it?" I asked him, a bit confused.
He just grinned at me. "Yes or no?"
I wasn't sure about this. Something in the pit of my stomach was telling me to say no and leave.
"Uh, sure," I reluctantly told him, "Now, what's in it?"
He opened the box, and in it sat a few small pieces of paper, all the shape of a square, with a smiley face or a flower on it.
"What the hell is that?" I asked him.
He still had that shit-eating grin on his face, "Acid, man. Come on, I don't wanna do this by myself, take a trip with me!"
Don't do it.
Get your shit and leave.
"N-no," I said as I shook my head, standing up from where I once sat, "That'll mess you up Vector, you never know what you're gonna get with those."
"Aw, come on man!" He chuckled, "A little piece of paper ain't gonna fuck you up!"
It would.
"Vector, seriously. You can't mess around with acid, it's nothing like a joint. Where the hell did you even get those?"
"Well, my dealer had 'em in stock! He said it was worth it, make you as high as the sky!"
"It's not like you'll come off of that in an hour or so. That shit will keep you up for like two days. I'm serious, you need to get rid of those."
He frowned at me, "You said you would. I didn't want to be nagged at, I wanted a buddy. Shit, what's up with you?"
What's up with me?
What's up with you?
What happened to my best friend, the one that listened to Bob Marley with a candy bar in one hand and a blunt in the other?
"I'm not doing this with you, it's bad news."
He seemed agitated, I knew he was. "Shit, bro. You only went out with Rouge yesterday and she already has you on a short leash."
You dick.
"Rouge and I aren't even a couple," I retaliated, "Rouge doesn't have any control over my actions or what I say. This is me trying to help you. I'm gonna say this in the most simplest terms: That little piece of paper will fuck you up."
"Dude, if you're not gonna chill with me, just leave."
There was no way of reasoning with him. I grabbed my shit, and got out of there.
The rest of the day I just sat in my room and worried. He wasn't going to listen, why would he even try that?
Should I call the cops? No, I don't wanna get my friend in trouble.
Maybe it's time to get new friends.

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