Chapter Nineteen: Why Do You Smoke?

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Author's Notes:
I apologize for not updating lately. Since school has been in session it has become my number one priority. I'm updating every chance I get. This chapter is going to be a bit short because there's going to be a perspective change in the middle of dialogue, the next part will probably be up for you all to see tomorrow, if not today. Thank you for the votes! Enjoy the story!
Rouge's POV~
Shadow ended up going to the doctor, and then going home. I texted him and asked if I could come over after school, he said yes, so as soon as the bell rang, I got in my car and drove over to his house.
Once I exited my car, I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.
I hope he's feeling better.
He answered. His face wasn't red anymore, see looked like his normal self.
"Hi babe," he said as he stepped out of the way to let me in.
"Are you feeling better, Shad?" I asked as he shut the door behind me.
"Yeah, I'm alright, I'll be fine," he answered as we gave each other a kiss. I sighed in relief, I was so worried about him.
We went up to his room, as usual. His parents had to go back to work as soon as they brought him home from the doctor.
Geez, his parents are always busy.
As soon as we went inside his bedroom, Shadow opened his window, straddled the banister, and lit a cigarette.
"Are you sure you should be doing that?" I asked him, "I mean, you almost died like, a few hours ago."
He chuckled.
I'm not joking.
"I'm fine, Rouge," he said to me as he blew smoke out of his nose, "It was just a little bit hard to breathe, that's all. And it's not like I'm having a reaction anymore."
But still, shouldn't you still be shook up by that?
"Shadow, why do you smoke?"
"Why do you smoke? What's so great about it?"
"Well," he paused, "I just do, it helps me relax."
"Have you ever thought about quitting?"
He sat there for a moment, and looked at me.

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