|1|» chapter one.

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The front door of my apartment creaked as I adjusted it to leave space for me to go through. I peered around the block- children playing hopscotch along the sidewalks as cars passed, others out just enjoying each other's company.

Today, I was off of work and I wanted to occupy my time by taking my dog, Mitzi, out for a walk through the park.

The sunlight's rays glistened over my caliginous melanin as I skipped down the stoned steps onto the concrete sidewalk. Mitzi's leash was planted in my left hand as she paced ahead of me.

I stuck earphones into my ears, peaceful but uplifting music blarred through. I begin to jog, my foot gently coming down on the pavement with each step. Mtizi kept up with my jog right along side of me.

I smiled as her tongue dangled from her mouth and she looked in every direction. She seemed to be fill with joy and excitement even though we saw this scenery nearly every Saturday.

For me, everyday as I go off to work. She was house broken well so she stayed in the animal friendly apartment while I made dollars for us to keep food in our bellies.

I sensed the motion of my ponytail bounce each opposite way as i jogged. I breathed evenly as the song shuffled to another one on my playlist. I hummed along, waving to some I would come across regularly during my runs.

It wasn't long before we arrived to the city's park. Ones were already jogging along the pathway but I was now tired from my jog over here. I slowed my pace and walked the rest of the way. I could feel my heart race.

I came to one of the benches and stopped. I sat Mitzi's leash down for a moment, rumbling through my backpack I brought for my water. Unscrewing the top, I took a large gulp of it quickly and felt refreshed.

Before I could recuperate completely, Mitzi's barks filled my ears as they became distant. I looked to my side to her running and widened my eyes, going after her.

"Mitzi!", I yelled but it didn't do any good. Usually, she would listen to my call with no hesitation. Whatever she was after today however must really had her attention.

"Mitzi!!" I yelled once again but louder. I ran harder and faster as it seem as though I wasn't getting no closer to her small body.

A guy just ahead of her took notice of the situation and went towards her. He did a whistle but it didn't phase her much. Just as she passed him, he put his foot down onto her leash and stopped her.

He kneeled down and grabbed her, lifting her in his arms as I breathed hard, slowing my pace. I went up to him and grabbed her swiftly.

"Mitzi, what is your problem? You're trying to kill me." She only panted facing me and I felt her heart racing just as much as mine.

" I think I saw a squirrel. That must be what she was after." I moved around to look at him and nodded.

"Oh. Well thanks for catching her. You're a lifesaver." I thanked him, staring at his familiar features. He gestured a nod.

"Yeah, no problem.." His voice trailed as he squinted and focused on my face, too. "Aliza?"

"Kel." I remembered. My voice came off more distressful than I intended when saying his name but I couldn't compose it.

"Wow. You look great, it's nice to see you." I caught his tongue brush over his bottom lip as his eyes never left mine.

"Yeah.. You look.. Different. Beard has really.. filled out." I mumbled. "But nice..uh to see you too." I forced a smile. He smiled, chuckling as his head turned sideways.

"Right, yeah. You don't have to say that. I know you're not that happy to see me."

"Well..you know." He nods in response and i cleared the lump forming in my throat. "Well um, I'll be going now. Thanks again." I sat Mitzi on the ground, turned away from him, and waked the direction I came back to the bench.

He was an ex of mine that I wasn't plan on seeing anytime soon. What happened in the past was forgiveable, I must say, but seeing him make me feel like I'm reliving it. Something I don't want to do.

It takes two to tango so I'll admit my wrongs in the relationship at the time too but at least I didn't go running back to my ex while having a companion.

I grabbed my bag off the bench quickly and sped walked to the ice cream van a few blocks away. I stood in the line with Mitzi by my side, sitting. I held her leash tightly as my mind drifted off. I couldn't help but look back at Kel, watching as he was still in the park now some guys accompanying him.

"Next." I heard and darted my head back to line and moved up to the counter.

"Uh, one raspberry ripple cone please."

new book alert.
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This will be cowritten with wavvyrae.

- D.

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