|13| » chapter thirteen.

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I rolled Remy's luggage towards her that I helped her bring in. She was about to catch her flight back home and I really hated to see her go.

"I'll consider it." She reassured, referring to my and my dad's offer to moving in. "I sure wouldn't want you to relive what happened from being by yourself."

I nodded in agreement as she held a sympathetic face. She reached to me and gave me a gentle hug. I returned the gesture. "Maybe if more flourish with you and Semaj, you'll move here." I hinted and she laughed small.

"Maybe." She shrugged her shoulders. "Alright Ali, see you later. I love you! Be careful and keep your health in check." She mothered me.

I smiled warmly. "Yes ma'am. I love you too Re, I hate to see you go." I groaned. "But I know you have a life so we'll have our time together again." I said and she agreed.

"Sure will-" the calling of her airplane boarding interrupted her from continuing her statement. "K bye." She dragged, pulling her suitcases quickly across the floor as she scurried to her gate.

I chuckled lightly and shook my head, turning on my heels to leave.


I sat on the stool of a sushi bar, stirring my drink with my finger patiently

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I sat on the stool of a sushi bar, stirring my drink with my finger patiently. I watched as my ice rotated in my glass before taking a chug of my Dr. Pepper.

"What's up?" I widened my eyes slightly, turning to the side as I was still sipping from my drink. I saw Kel standing there with a trench coat on.

"I see you're finally dressing appropriately for the weather." I teased once I sat my glass back down. He snickered, sitting in the stool next to me.

He peeled from his coat and sat it in the seat next to him just as I did earlier. "You've always liked sushi." He spoke. I bobbed my head in a nod.

"Yup and you always made fun of me because of it." I remembered. He smiled towards the side and agreed.

"Sure did."

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