|24| »chapter twenty four.

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The idea i had had for the company turned out for the better. They're now using it and since i came up with the idea, I'm getting triple pay at this rate. Things seemed to continue to get better and better for me.

I looked around the perimeter of the room of should i say of my new home. I watched as workers of Mr. Miller set things into place while i kept trying to catch my breath that was taken away. Mr. Miller really could outdo himself when it came to his gifts.

He stood next to me with his fist propped against his sides, watching the decorators as well. " Well, how do you like it Kel? Fits you pretty well?" He interrogated once turning to me.

Even though his choice of colors were of course pretty boring, everything else had a modern look to it -a look i could most definitely live with especially if none of the finances are coming out of my pocket.

I looked at him with a closed-mouth smile and nodded. "Yes sir, everything looks amazing. Thank you. I truly appreciate this."

He patted my shoulders and turned for the door. "Not a problem, you deserve it from your hard work and great ideas. I want you to come to dinner tonight around seven. I'll get Lisa to send you the address." He replied before exiting the house along with the workers.

I trailed behind the last one and looked forward out the door, watching as his door was opened for him and he climbed inside his truck. "I'll be sure to be there Sir."

"Of course you will! Enjoy your new home. I'll see you tonight." Was the final thing he said before his window was rolled up and the vehicle pulled off in a dash with the truck of workers behind it.

I blew a raspberry and shut the door, turning the lock to the left as i heard a click. I refaced the foyer and it settled that i was alone in my new home. I couldn't help but yell a wooh! from excitement of being out of my dad's place.

I started to wonder why he never gave Aliza or his many other children this house instead but knowing how stubborn Aliza was, i figured the others were too. Probably wanted to one hundred percent earn everything on their own, not from there billionaire father especially due to the circumstances of there being so many of them.

I leaped over the side of the couch onto the cushion and got comfortable as i grabbed the remote. I flipped on the '70 inch TV and surfed through channels until i came across last night's football game's highlights on ESPN.

I kept it there and tossed the remote to the side of me, lifted my feet to the long foot rest and crossed my legs at my ankles while i unlocked my phone. I hadn't even got into the highlights before i was calling up my boys - Dantè, Semaj, and Myles- to tell them about my new place.

"Wazzzupppp." I mimicked from the movie. "So guess who gotta new crib!"

"Who?" Semaj asked the obvious so i quickly assumed he was high.

"Me, nigga! When i tell you it's the model of a whole man cave bro!"

"Well it's about time homeless." Dantè just had to say. " Thought you'd stay with your dad forever." I smacked my lips.

"Well I'm happy for you bro. You needed it." Myles congratulated decently and i nodded.

"Thanks Myles."

"So where you living?" Semaj questioned followed by a cough. I laid my right arm across the top of the couch.

"Over near the white people's neighborhood. Nothing but rich people. This nigga paid the house off, no mortgage bills for me. It's actually one of his old houses he said he didn't come to anymore." I chuckled at the irony and my luckiness as i heard Dantè suck his teeth.

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