|26| » chapter twenty six.

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The morning of this chilly Saturday I decided to head to the gym to get a work out in since I didn't do so often, plus I was off today. I've been really considering taking a trip back to Haiti soon. Turns out, I enjoyed it more than I expected.

Doesn't seem like I'm going to be able to travel out of the country when I have a business to inherit. The proposal really surprised me in so many ways. I'm flattered that he wants to leave me the business, but I'm not to fond of him wanting to leave it with Kel and I.

I think it's quite funny how he considered his best worker's idea before his own daughter.

"Ah, push it. Ah, push it." I begin to sing along with the old song by Salt N Pepa to motivate myself on this treadmill.

I bobbed my head to the music that was flowing through my ears from my wireless headphones. I was relieved that no one was at the gym that was located in my building. I could tell I was out of shape because of my heart rate beginning to speed up and I only been here for a few minutes.

"That's a wrap. Can't deal." I stopped the treadmill, grabbing my towel. I let out a whew and grabbed my water bottle before taking a seat on the floor.

I leaned up against the mirrored wall and took deep breaths, trying to regain my normal breath. I really need to get back in shape. Even though I am small, I'm not in shape at all.

My phone begin to ring in my windbreaker's left pocket. I sat my water bottle down before reaching into the pocket to get my phone. I smiled seeing it was an incoming call from Remy.

"Hi, Aliza!" Remy greeted once we were connected. I chuckle at her enthusiasm.

"Hey, Remy. How are you?"

"I'm well. How are you? Looks like you're at a gym, can't believe that."

"Yeah," I let out a sigh and ran my hands through my hair. "That's my location. Why you didn't tell me working out was challenging?"

"That means you're out of shape," she let out a small laugh. "It's alright. If you stick to it then your body will get use to it eventually."

"I'm going to try to stay motivated. So, what have you been up to?" I was ready to hear about her life.

"Oh, well. I'll be publishing my first book in about a week."

"Really," I grew excited as I pull my legs up to my chest. "Be sure to send me a couple of copies. Autographed, of course."

"I will do. Other than that, nothing really. I'm thinking about traveling to get more inspiration for upcoming books."

"That sounds amazing. Make sure you have someone traveling with you. I don't want you going alone."

"I'm not going alone. Hey, I have a question."

"I'm listening." I waited until she built the courage to ask.

"Is it weird to fall in love in such a short notice?"

"No, not really. I mean I fell in love in a short period of time. It isn't abnormal or weird."

"I think I'm in love with Semaj."


I grabbed a shopping cart once I got inside of Walmart. It was going on seven o'clock at night and I decided to come to the store to grab a couple of items of food. I wanted to start eating healthier so I searched for a few healthy recipes on the internet until I found something suitable to my liking.

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