|10| » chapter ten.

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Clark and I chortled as we stepped into Triangulo. It had been a week since i rescheduled the date. Remy was still staying with me but only for another week. I held onto his arm, leaning to his side as we continued in. For our date instead of cooking classes, I had got us a private hour of dance class - Argentine Tango.

"Welcome." A Latin woman greeted as she stepped out from the back with a man accompanying her side. We greeted back with a smile. She clasped her hands together. "So you two are the beautiful couple we'll be teaching today."

We nodded, looking at each other and i giggled. She smiled warmly saying sweet and lead us over to the side. We stripped from our current shoes and me into High Heel Sandals and Clark into captoe ballroom shoes -both worn for tango.

We learned that our instructors name were Stacey and Robin as they learned our names also. Stacey nodded and said, "Okay let's get in formation, shall we!" She said aloud and drifted off to the side where a speaker was.

Clark and I stood in the middle of the floor, in front of each other. Stacey started playing a Latin instrumental. Robin came up to us and pushed me up a bit more into Clark. I smiled as he did too and we put our hands up, grabbing each other's.

Stacey gave us tips and instructions, making sure our chest was away from each other. "Alright Clark take a step back and then Aliza you step forward."

We did as told but I stepped too far, landing my foot on top of his. He chuckled, looking down as I apologized. "I'm sorry."

Clark shook his head. "It's fine." This time I took the step back with my opposite foot and Clark stepped forward, doing the same action as I did. He sighed as I giggled.

"How about we give you guys a preview." We agreed, pulling apart. I ran my fingers through my ponytail as Clark stood by my side. We watched Robin and Stacey take the floor-getting in similar positions but with much better posture.

They did the steps we were trying to do but better. They went on in the routine and moved with much ease and grace. Spins, twirls and dips was all in their routine. They finished off and we clapped as they did bows.

"Now you guys." Robin accent leaked through his voice and he pointed towards us. Clark and I resumed our positions towards each other and grabbed hands. Here goes nothing.


"Tonight was really fun." Clark stated as I held my key in my hand.

We had met up at my apartment so he was parked downstairs. He decided to be the gentlemen he is and walk me up. I nodded, agreeing.

"It really was. Learned a few things." I said, doing one of the twirls. He chuckled as I giggled, handing me the rose from class. I felt my cheeks heat as I took it.

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