|11| » chapter eleven.

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I folded my arms, looking around my nearly empty apartment. I still felt nauseas, feeling the after effects of the Rohypnol. I was just happy to be alive, knowing some side effects of the drug once visiting the hospital-but I did have low blood pressure so they prescribed some medication for that.

At the moment, two officers along with my dad was going through my apartment. They had already questioned me on what he took and i told so now they were jotting down while talking each other.

"I want it so he can't get another job in new York. I want him in jail. Matter of fact, i want him under the jail!" My dad spoke with bass and sternness. The policemen nodded their heads, listening.

"We'll locate local pawn shops and also his place of work searching for him. Once we find him, we'll put him in custody." My sperm donor nodded, tightening his tie to his neck.

"Good." He said lastly to them and turned to me. "How do you feel?"

I shrugged and palmed my stomach. "Just a bit nauseas. I went to the hospital and they said my blo-"

He interrupted me by saying, "I'll have everything replaced within a few days alright? You can take the week off." He stated, strolling towards the door.

Thanks for hearing me out, I thought and rolled my eyes. "Why? So I can get robbed again? No thanks."

He shook his head. "Why do you live with yourself? I'll send one of my guards to live with you."

"What? So they can rape me!? No. I'm fine."

"What about that Rebecca girl? Your friend? Ask her could she move in!"

"Remy. She has her own life and authoring work to focus on. She doesn't want to move." I replied, folding my arms again. He faced me, a serious look glued to his face.

"Ask her Aliza. Mention that I'll finance her entire move. From the transportation to paying the movers. An author? Writing a book doesn't require a certain place to stay. New York is full of inspiration." He said with firmness.

"Okay." I mumbled. He nodded.

"Alright. New stuff, few days. Be careful." He said lastly and exited.

I sighed loudly, plopping down on my couch as the police were still here. One glanced up at me but looked away, them both pretending to not have just heard my father and i's conversation.

It wasn't no family secret about my parents. They weren't the usual couple that fell out of love or got a divorce. I wasn't a baby made from prom relations and they weren't high school sweethearts.

Rather, they were complete strangers. Women threw themselves at Mr. Miller when he was in his prime of making millions. But my mom, she didn't throw herself at him. He actually sent one of his workers to ask if she would come home with him.

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