|19| » chapter nineteen.

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You could have it all. . all you need to do is buy a ring and work your way back into her heart. The words spoken by my father replayed in my head throughout the whole next day. It came to a point where I couldn't even function at work due to what he had recently said.

I've been thinking about everything he said. He was right. We were making it but, the thing is, we could be living better. I don't feel like this is right though. I don't want hurt Aliza again over some stupidity.

I let out a low sigh as I begin to free myself from my extensive thoughts. I didn't want them to interfere with my work or anything in that sort. Life would be so much easier if I didn't have a gold digging father along with a tempting mind that I do have.

"Earth to Kel," Lisa snapped her finger in front of me, breaking me out of my thoughts I thought I broke myself out of.

"Are you alright? You've been mighty quiet today." She poured herself a cup of coffee while I looked up from the break room's table to look at her.

"I'm fine. Just been thinking heavily." I cleared my throat once I got my response out.

"I'm here if you ever want to talk about anything." She turned around to look at me.

"Thank you, but I'm fine." I stood up from the hard, Cherokee chair to stretch.

"Alright then. Your shift is over, by the way."

I nod my head before making my way out of the employees break room. I was relieved that my shift was finally over but overwhelmed at the fact I have to go home to hear my dad's mouth about this plan.

Ready to get my own place.

The quietness in the house instantly made a confused look appear on my face. Kenneth usually up in the front area playing the video game or blasting loud music which he wasn't doing.

His truck was parked outside so I knew for fact he was here. I laid my keys on the counter before walking to the back of the house. I looked in every room until I found him in his room, sitting in a chair while holding a picture.

Tears were slowly falling from his eyes which took me by surprise because I haven't seen him cry in a long time. I finally built up the courage to ask him what's wrong. He looked up at me with tucked in lips.

"Your mother... she passed away."



Being part Haitian was something I always admired. I grew up always admiring my skin tone along with my ethnicity. I owe it all to my mother for teaching me how to love myself. I wouldn't say I'm conceited but I know that I'm beautiful and not just for a dark skin girl.

Although I haven't been here since I was younger, it still seemed the same to me. I was able to reconnect with my aunts and uncles, who I've missed dearly.

"Whew, that was a long walk." I sat the bags filled with groceries on top of the kitchen table.

"I've gotten use to it," she laughed a little as her accent seeped through and she started removing the groceries from the bags. "What will you like for me to cook?"

"Ooh, I haven't had your cooking in ages. Maybe a Haitian feast? I've been needing a home cook meal for a while." I clasped my hands together, praying she say yes.

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