|25| » chapter twenty five.

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She'll never forgive you. She'll never love you again.

Are you really going to do her like the guy a couple months ago? What if in due time she'd fall for you again and you get the blessing the right way?

Am i catching real feelings for her again? Should I really do this?

It's so wrong but it'll feel so right once it's over with. Right? Maybe if my dad wasn't on my back about it, it wouldn't be so bad.

Should i decline the offer and tell my dad I'm out? Or should i accept and be richer than ever within a year?

But what about Aliza?

I jumped from being startled by my alarm clock chiming loudly in my bedroom. I groaned and reached over, turning it off with my fist. I took a deep, irritated breath as i sat up still sleepy.

I'd been mentally going back and forth with my angel and demon tendencies all night to where i couldn't get any sleep. At this point, i didn't know which side i was on when both shoulders could benefit me in different ways.

I dragged as I took my shower, did my hygiene, and got dressed slowly. I even sluggishly ate my breakfast from the thoughts racing through my mind and my tiredness through my body. I knew a headache would come soon.

Not helping my case at all, the doorbell rung. I huffed as i pushed myself off the stool and went to the door. It was hard, continuous knocking as I yelled, "I'm coming, geez."

"Are you serious?" was this first thing my dad shouted as I open the door. I furrowed my eyebrows as i watched him invite himself inside and walked through my foyer.

"Dude c'mon now. I have work in like thirty minutes and i can't be late." I announced as he finger combed his beard in deep thought. He lifted his hand up towards me in a stop gesture.

"Actually you could cause he loves you but this won't take long at all. You mean to tell me he offered you everything for you to just be his son in law? Not only that but you guys are exes, you've been together meaning it was once a connection there that is easy to get back especially since you've been reconnecting a lot lately."

He chuckled sharply as it seemed he was trying to convince himself more if it was true or not. He looked around the room slowly with a nod. "Nice place." He added.

"Work. I go-"

"Okay, Okay okay. I know golden boy, i know. Just hear me when i say this Kel. You've got to take this. It's a win, win. A win that'll change your, our life forever." He persuaded before digging in his back pocket.

He pulled my hand out and dropped something in the palm of it. I shut my fist and felt it was a small box. Once he pulled away and raised an eyebrow, i looked into my hand and realized it was a small box. But not just any box, a ring box.

"I took the initiative to help you out. All you have to do is ask her, y'all can fall in love later." I stared at the black box, twisting it between my fingers as I felt him smack my shoulders a couple of times. "Now i'm gone. Don't mess this up. Like Mr. Money said, you have a month."

With that i heard my front door shut and he was gone, leaving me in my thoughts yet again. I threw my head back and sighed deeply before putting the box on the counter and grabbing my keys instead, heading to work.


I watched as Dantè bit into his burrito, some of the ingredients from the inside oozing out onto his plate. Meanwhile i leaned my mouth into my fist as i had my elbows propped up on the table. We decided to grab some Chipotle on our lunch breaks -well mine at least.

"You're not going to eat?" He asked with his mouth full. I shook my head and sat my hands flat to the table.

"I am, i just. .have a lot of my mind." He raised an eyebrow and swallowed before talking a long drink of water.

"About what? I mean you living good now nigga, shouldn't be much to worry about."

"I tthink I'm going to marry Aliza." He spit some of his water back into his glass and pulled his lips away,erupting in coughs.

"What!? Okay you and Semaj are losing y'all's minds with this love shit. Aliza though? Y'all haven't talked in nearly two years, why her?" He interrogated in pure shock and confusion.

"Actually." I begin and lean over the table more. "We have. We've reconnected a couple times and have had...y'know. Plus, her dad is my boss."

His eyes widened at the same time he said, "Are you serious? Wow, you fucked up when breaking up with her. Y'all had relationship issues but now you love her again? But why? Y'all worked them out?"

I looked around the semi full facility before sipping through the straw of my cup filled with Dr. Pepper. I faced back to Dantè and took a deep breath, twisting my lips to the side.

"Not. .exactly." I say simply but of course he was still confused. "It's more of a business deal. If i marry her, everything her father owns he will pass down to us as one. He offered and my dad really wants me to take it."

"So a sham marriage?" Danté folded his arms and leaned back against his seat, staring intently in interest. I shook my head from side to side.

"So, so. Somewhat but could you blame me? I think I'm really catching feelings for her again though and the amazing sex isn't helping. I could marry her now and fall in love with her later, i mean i already love her. This is a once in a lifetime de-" I stopped in mid sentence and shook my head.

"Never mind, you wouldn't really understand." I unwrapped my burrito and finally took a bite of it. Danté shrugged but before he could say anything, i spoke up and said, "I can't believe Semaj love that girl."

"That's what I'm saying." He started and soon we got into that conversation that distracted me from my other problem.

» written by Dia.

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