|9| » chapter nine.

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The morning time of Remy's date was consist on finding her clothing along with mine. She didn't classify it as a date but of course I did. She didn't really tell me too much about him and I didn't force her to tell me either.

I looked at my watch that was on my left wrist, seeing the time strike one thirty. I crossed my left leg over my right as I waited on Remy to come out of the dressing room.

We've been in this store for a few hours now. I successfully found me an outfit but Remy on the other hand was having a hard time finding one.

"I don't like this." I looked up from my phone to see her dressed in a blue and white flowered dress that flared loosely around her body and was topped off with a navy sweater.

"What's wrong with it?" I examined the outfit and honestly thought it looked beautiful on her.

"I don't know. I just don't." She shrugged while she stood in the mirror. I stood up from the little stool and stood beside her.

"Remy, you look beautiful in it." I said to her. She looked up then looked down before chuckling.

"I know. I just wanted to hear you say it." She pressed her tongue out at me and flipped her Afro over her shoulder. I laughed because her conceited ways rarely show anymore.

She's quiet yet sometimes conceited. Very rare.

After we finished finding a suitable outfit for the both of us, we traveled back to my house to lay around until it was time for the date.

Mitzi barks sounded throughout the penthouse once I opened the door. She stood by the door while I tried to tell her to move.

"Mitzi, get away from the door." I held onto the door, trying to not let it hit her. She barked one more time before finally moving away from the door.

"What happened to Mitzi's little boyfriend?" Remy asked as she sat her belongings on the couch and walked over to the kitchen.

"Oh um, he cheated on her." I responded taking the clothes out of the bags. I heard her snicker.

"Really Ali?" She laughed, coming back into the living room with a bottle of water.

"What? I'm serious. We were at the park one day and I heard her barking obnoxiously so I went to go see what was going on. Turns out her little boo was with another dog."

"Oh my, poor Mitzi. Even dogs get cheated on nowadays." Remy shook her head. Mitzi growled and walked out of the living room. I guess she didn't like us talking about her ex.

"Right, but he wasn't the right one for my baby anyway."

"I'm sorry, all of this is just so funny to me." She started back laughing a little.

"Stop it Remy," I laughed a little as well. "She's very sensitive about things like that."

"Okay, I will quit." She took a sip of her water.

"So are you ready for this date?" I teased, plopping down on the opposite couch of her.

"For the hundredth time, it's not a date."

"In Aliza's book it is."

"Anyway," she playfully rolled her eyes. "I'm kind of nervous."

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