|20| » chapter twenty.

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I traveled by foot into the kitchen where my mother was at, at the moment. I was enjoying my stay very much and honestly wasn't ready to go back to New York in two days.

My face pinched together as I readjusted my neck towards my mum, hearing something scratch and move in the sink as she kept poking her spoon inside. "- especially this one right here ready to fight me. No, stop it!" i caught the middle of her statement as her accent seeped through her warnings.

I leaned forward and noticed live crabs in the sink, one pinching it's claws towards my mum's spoon. Their claws resumed clacking against the material every few seconds when they riled back up.

"Mum, really?" I asked, giving her a side glance before a chuckle came following. I shook my head to a small extent as I grabbed the pitcher of sweet tea, leaning it over to pour myself some.

"Liza, when do you plan to come here and stay?" She asked me, continuing to spank the crabs and waited for the rest to fall asleep in death. The slight thought of death made me concerned about Kel -even through our differences and past, I would comfort him over his mother's death not because his girlfriend left him however.

"Liza!" My mom rose her voice sharply which yanked me from my thoughts as I noticed the tea I was pouring was beginning to overflow too. I blinked at a fast pace and sat the pitcher down, pouring a bit of the beverage in my glass back into it. I spun myself around towards her and rose my eyebrows as I took a drink. "Hm?"

"Did you hear me? "

"Oh! Yeah that. Um, I don't know ma. I love coming out here to visit you but it's another ball game talking about moving here." I answer in a less offensive way to not stir up problems or assumptions.

People may take it as if I think I'm more than those here in Haiti because I live in New York but that's not the case. I just personally know by my visits the lifestyles are not alike-i would have to get accustomed to a fresh way of living. A simpler way that I'm not sure I'm used to.

"You know we will welcome you with open arms -die already!" She smacked the spoon hard against the crab's shell as I blew out a breath at her conversation topic and her aggressiveness.

"Yes, I know. Maybe one day I will." I reply, the ending in a whisper as i warmly smiled and pressed the slight wrinkles out my traditional shirt that resembled a karabela dress -my mom had made it herself and gave it to me as a gift for my visit.

She took a break from the nearly dead creatures in the sink and extended her arms outward as she walked to me. She clasped her hands against my face and held it, planting light kisses all over as I laughed. Finally, she pulled me into a tight hug and squeezed me.

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