|5|» chapter five.

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I only wanted to sit at my desk peacefully and get what I needed done for today's work, but unfortunately the racket in the bathroom was annoyingly disturbing. It distracted me the rest of the day.

My fingers ran over the keyboard quickly as I would glance up at screen ever so often. I yawned into my hand loudly, nearly forgetting my distant presence of another person. I sighed, saving all my work and submitting most that was done.

I stacked the messy papers that scattered across my desk, neatly and slid them into my beige folder. I placed it into my small hand carrier suitcase and zipped it up.

Kel exited the bathroom finally, clutching his toolbox in his left hand. He stared at me for a moment without exchanging any words as he wiped his hand off on the back of his pants.

I stood from my spinner chair and lifted my coat from the back of it.

"So basically, your gutters were clogged with debris or ice and wouldn't divert water away from your bathroon allowing it to pool against the roof itself. So, I cleaned out the gutters so it should be fine now." I nodded, pulling my arms through my coat.


"You have any more problems with it, tell Kelly to give me a call. Or you could."

"Thank you sir. You should be receiving your payment from Kelly." I buttoned two of my coat's buttons and grabbed my suitcase. I faced him as he gave me an uncertain look.

I gave him a slight nod and walked to the door. I opened it just as he opened his mouth. " You're really going to treat me like a stranger?"

"This is business. Strictly business." I said not turning towards him. I grabbed the knob and opened the door.

I walked through the office quickly and passed by other offices and saw only one's light still on. I pressed the button to the elevator repetitively, wishing it would hurry up.

I looked up at the number as I soon heard my name being called. Right on time and on cue, it opened and I climbed on, pressing level one as I saw Kel coming around the corner. He walked quickly to the elevator and it closed right in front of his face.

Taking a deep breath, I enjoyed the short ride and exited the elevator once it opened. I scrolled to the double doors at the front of the building and just happen to look to the side, seeing Kel coming from the direction of the stairs.

"Ugh!" I grunted sharply and stepped through the light snow that coated the steps. It was still snowing lightly as I went to my car on the far end of the parking lot. I made sure to watch my surroundings as I knew for sure it was Kel's footsteps I heard behind me.

"Aliza would you just wait." I press unlock on my keypad as my car lit up. I grabbed the driver's side handle and opened it as he grabbed my arm. "What!?" I snarled.

"Can I just ta-"

"Kel, we are not friends." I spoke through gritted teeth and shut my eyes tightly. I eased them open, glaring at him as he looked at me.

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