|15| » chapter fifteen.

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I heard the door open then close as Kel entered. "What are you doing?" He questioned me as I tossed his things into the big, brown box in the far corner near the door.

"You want to leave? Leave!" I retorted, feeling deeper emotions trigger at the thought. He furrowed his eyebrows and came over to me, snatching me around by my arm.

"What are you talking about? I'm not leaving. I never said I wanted to or I was." His brows remain knitted together as he held an uncertain facial expression.

I tilt my head to the left, unconvinced as I looked at him. "Where were you then?"

"I told you before I left I had a business trip for two days and I'll be back. I'm back now. I wasn't leaving, I was working." He tells truthfully.

I shake my head and then look to the boxes, continuing to stuff them with his belongings. He sat his bag down and yanked his coat jacket off his arms then grabbed me roughly. "Stop!" He demanded and I scolded him.

"Why are you lying?"

" I'm not lying! Every time you think I'm leaving you, you act all crazy." He spat blatantly. "Is it something you're not telling me?"

I rolled my eyes at the fact he was correct. I kept it to myself however and left his things alone. I tied my hair into a tight bun behind my head and shook my head.

"Okay." I say simply to end the conversation but he scoffs. He shook his head in disbelief, his eyes still peering at me.

"Okay? That's it? You do this every damn time Aliza! I'm not going anywhere. I wouldn't leave you." He said and always reassured me.

The trust wasn't questioned with him but the situations always reminded me of when my father left. When he never returned or did many years later only to do the same thing -leaving me hurt, open hearted and unhealed wounds. I saw my mother feel neglected and unwanted by a man she thought she loved and I refused to be the same way.

"Just drop it Kel." I announced and threw my hands in the air, over the entire scene. My steps trailed into the kitchen and I made me a glass of water, cooling myself from my heated stage.

"So tired of this shit. You always shut me out with an okay or just drop it. I'm your boyfriend, I want to be there for you man. Like you know how that shit frustrates me so just fucking talk to me!" He snarls in anger, his nostrils flared as he glared at me from the other side of the kitchen.

"Who's left you? Do you think I'm cheating? What is it? Just tell me what it is so I can understand Ali."

"When have I ever forced you to talk about something you're not comfortable with?"

"Hell, right now. I don't like explaining myself but I do It because I love you and care about your feelings. Obviously you don't care enough about mine to keep me shut out, keeping that shell closed tight from me and everyone else."

"I just don't want to talk about it Kel! Leave me alone about it." I begin to storm out of the kitchen but he stopped me in my mid stomping.

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