|12| » chapter tweleve.

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"What goes around, comes back around, hey my baby." Dante' started singing along to the Beyoncé song that was blasting throughout his apartment.

"There was a time I thought, that you did everything right. No lies, no wrong.
Boy I must've been out of my mind." Dante' stood in front of my face and continue to sing along to the song.

"Get the fuck out my face and turn that shit off." I kicked him in his leg since he wanted to be all in my personal space.

"I should snuff your mad ass, but isn't Karma a bitch?" He smiled before grabbing the remote to turn off the song.

"Yo Dante', leave him alone." Myles to the rescue, responded.

"Biggie, don't even say anything to me." He plopped down on the side of me.

"Nah, you always messing with someone." Myles shook his head which made Dante' scoffed.

Dante' fanned him off and leaned back on the couch. I leaned up from the couch and put my fist in front of my mouth, thinking about this situation.

"Wait a fucking minute," I jumped up from the couch and focused my attention on Myles and Dante' "Y'all knew she was cheating and didn't tell me shit?"

"We tried to tell you multiple of times but you were acting like you wanted to be oblivious." Myles responded while Dante' took a chug from his beer.

"I bet Aliza wouldn't have did this to you." Dante' smirked.


I dribbled the ball in front of Ralo while he held his tongue out. He focused his attention on the ball before I shook him and made a basket. He barked which made me laugh.

"You don't have any homeboys?" I heard my father asked from a distant. I turned around and saw him making his way farther into his backyard.

"I do, why you ask?" I held the ball between my hip and arm on my left side.

"You're out here playing basketball with a dog and I was just wondering did you have any friends. You seem a little lonely." He let out a chuckle.

I smacked my lips and threw the ball at up.

"D-up, old man." He looked at me like I had just cursed him out or something. He smiled and nod his head.

"Oh word? Aight, $500 bet."

"$500? You big baller huh?" I laughed, getting ready to beat him in one-on-one.

"Always been one." He started dribbling the ball.

We started playing one-on-one. I'm not going to lie, my pops got skills in a game of basketball but of course I'm better and faster than him. We were tied multiple of times until I make a shot which caused me to win.

"You ain't shit." He grabbed his wallet from off the patio table. He counted the money before handing it to me.

"Nice doing business with you." I smiled and sat in the patio chair. Ralo came up to me shortly.

"I saw you and Aliza at Reed Pierce." My father sat across from me.

"Stalkerrrr." I stashed the money into my sweat pants.

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