|23| » chapter twenty three.

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Kel's previous visit begin to replay in my head while I tried to clean up the living room. Not only the encounter we had begun to replay but also the things he said. I couldn't help I was so closed up during the relationship but at the end of that day, that's not an excuse for your infidelity.

The trust I had in Kel had vanished. I couldn't no longer trust him after what he did which is why I'm not trying to rekindle a relationship with him. Who knows what he'll do if we got back together?

"Come on, girl. Let's go out for a walk." I said to Mitzi as I grabbed her leash from off the top of the counter. She made her way over to me just when I kneeled down. I hook her leash on and stood back up.

We made our way out the apartment a few seconds later. The windy weather hit my bare arms as I begin to jog down the sidewalk with Mitzi keeping up with my speed.I decided to take her to the park since we haven't been there in a while. Hopefully, she doesn't run off again.

Mitzi begin to sniff the grass along with everything that was in her sight. As she scoped out her surroundings, I did the same. "Ms. Aliza, long time no see." I froze at the familiar voice that was coming from behind me.

I turned around to see someone that I could honestly laugh at right now. That person was Clark.

"Oh. Hi, Clark right?" I plastered a small on my face which made his vanish. "Are you enjoying those new items? I know I would. They're quite fancy, don't you think?" My eyes traveled down his body to see him in designer clothing.

"You're a comedian, huh?"

"Not even close, but what's funny is that you could have at least asked me for the shit instead of stealing it. I was always nice to you but I see where niceness leads you to."

How come the nice ones always be the ones that get played over? But once you start acting like, what they call a female dog, then you're the bad guy. Shit is so backwards nowadays.

"Man, fuck all of that. You wouldn't have gave me anything if I asked."

"Did you try to ask? No. You know what, it doesn't even matter. I just want to say, thank you. Thank you for letting me realize once again that guys aren't anything. Have a nice life."

Mitzi took the lead and begin to walk. She turned around and barked at Clark before turning back around. I chuckled at her while I held onto her leash tightly. Another guy that made me realize something once again. It's becoming a cycle of me having examples of bad guys.

I guess I got to stick it out until I find that right guy. Oy vey.

I ignored the bad energy that Clark had brought upon me and decided to go grab a snack from the park's concession stand. I ordered a whole wheat baked pretzel with a bottle of water along with Mitzi something to nibble on since they did serve dog food.

We took a seat on a nearby bench to feed our faces. "Mitzi, never trust a dog." I bit into my pretzel and looked at her.


I remove Ralo's leash from his collar to free him. He immediately begin to run wild around the park like he do every time he comes here. Ralo and I came to the park to free our minds. Buddy told me that he needed some fresh air so here we are.

I was finally able to get around to taking him to the park since I had an off day today. "This like some white people shit. How often do y'all come here?" Dante asked while he stuffed his mouth with potato chips.

"We usually come every weekend but I've been slacking." I responded to his question just when I saw Ralo begin to chase after a puppy.

I thought nothing of it until him and the puppy begin to get farther and farther from my eye. I threw my head back and let out an exhausted sigh. I put my hands around my mouth to yell out Ralo's name. I really didn't feel like chasing after him but it looks like I have no choice.

As I begin to jog over where I last saw Ralo, a familiar person begin to jog as well. I noticed it was Aliza which made me realize it was her pup that Ralo was after.

We ended up stopping at the same time due to what we saw. We couldn't help but to stare at what was going on in front of us.

"What in the hell?" We said at the same time, hearing both Ralo and Mitzi bark uncontrollably.

"Get your dog off my puppy!" Aliza semi screamed at me.

"You get your puppy off my dog." I laughed at the fact she was starting to get upset.

"Aye, let the nigga bust a nut real quick." Dante walked up behind us while he laughed. Ralo and Mitzi were all into it and I didn't want my homie to miss out on an ejaculation especially since he haven't had one in a while.

"Mitzi, you're nasty for that." Aliza confessed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Mitzi didn't pay her any mind, instead she was too busy conversing with Ralo in their dog ways. She then decided to go over and mess with Dante.

"Aye, get this bitch!" Dante tried to shake Mitzi off his leg.

"Hey, don't call her that." Aliza snapped back.

"Technically she is a bitch." I said, slipping my hands in my pants pocket.

"She's not." Aliza rolled her eyes and watch as Ralo and Mitzi both begin to chase after Dante.

As I begin to scope out Aliza, old feelings begin to come around more. Of course the sex had build the feelings back but just being around her was the main cause of the reattached feelings.

I was trying to rekindle our relationship and not just for a plan but because I really do miss our relationship. I got to start thinking with my head and not my other head for now on.

"Tomorrow night. Be ready at eight." I stood in front of Aliza who finally noticed me.

"Excuse me?"

"Just be ready at eight." I traveled my eyes up from her lips to her eyes.

She didn't respond this time. Instead she glanced down at my lips like I previous did to her before looking out in a distance. She then called Mitzi over to her and kneeled down to hook Mitzi's leash on.

She looked back at me one last time as Mitzi took the lead. I shook my head a little, turning the my attention to Ralo and Dante.

Ralo was stilly chasing Dante while Dante run in different areas, playing around with Ralo. I pulled out my ringing phone from my pocket and answered the call from my father.

"Did she agree?"

"Yeah, basically. So what's next?"

"Take it slow. Start off by being nice to her on this date and we'll see were it leads us."

I bobbed my head even though he couldn't see me. This plan was slowing picking up, but I don't know how long it's going to last before she catch on.

Written by Rae.

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