|4|» chapter four.

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Have you ever heard of Karma? I'm not talking about the girl from the club, I'm talking about the real Karma-- destiny or fate, following as effect from cause. It seems like my karma is coming around as we speak.

"You were at a club dancing with some girl. You wasn't going to bring that up, huh?" Iyana voice rose more and more after every comeback.

"Which one of your lame ass friends told you that?" I sucked my teeth and looked at her staring back at me.

"It doesn't matter. What matters is that you were dancing with another bitch." She fold her arms across her chest.

"Nah what matters is that you was out with another nigga and don't think I don't see that hickey on your neck." Her eyes widen while I shook my head at her.

I noticed the hickey on her neck once she walked in the door. It was very noticeable and I know my boys probably noticed it. She want to trip on me but she was just with some other nigga.

"Babe, I can explain." She walked closer to me and grabbed my hands. I removed my hands from her small hands.

"You been 'explaining' since you got here," I laughed, putting emphasis on explaining. "Watch out."

I tried to walk around her but she stood in front of me. I let out a breath and looked up at the ceiling before looking down at her.

"I'm sorry, baby. Let me make it up to you." She plead then glanced at the couch. She pushed me onto the couch causing me to plop down. At this moment I wasn't even thinking with the right head. It's been a while since I've let out an ejaculation so I was in desperate need right now. I closed my eyes once I felt my manhood reached the back of her warm throat.

She pulled me out of her mouth, gliding her hand down my manhood. She put me back in her mouth continue to put in work as she massage my sacs.

"Shit." I groaned and it wasn't long before I was filling up her mouth. She removed me from her mouth before swallowing my ejaculation. I watched as she licked over her lips and smiled up at me.

She sat on the couch beside me, trying to kiss me. I stood up and walked to bathroom to freshen up before I went on to work. Just when I was finishing up my business, my pops called telling me to swing by his place.

I made my way outside and down the fifteen steps that led to the sidewalk. I looked around the apartment complex, scoping out my scenery although I've been seeing the same scenery for the past nine months.

The trip to my pops house was fairly quick due to him staying a few blocks away from me.

Kenneth, my father who really thinks he's my brother. He never liked the word old or dad because he still thinks he's in his late twenties when he's really in his mid fifties. If I call him old he would try to fight me.

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