|21| » chapter twenty one.

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Flashbacks of my mother's funeral began to taunt me as I tried to occupy myself with work. I couldn't release the visions of seeing her in that casket out of my head. The vision were so pure that it felt like I were back at the church were the funeral was held.

Didn't too many people show up at her funeral because my mother didn't have many friends or family. They all made sure to confront me to say they're sorry for my loss. I just nod my head and slightly thanked them.

Knowing that my mother left this world by self infliction is something I don't think I'll ever be able to bear with.

Something knocked me out of my thoughts just when I got a bright idea for our business. I quickly scanned my office for a piece of paper and pen to jot down this idea before it slips my mind.

As soon as I did it, I got up from my seat to make my way out my office and to find Mr. Miller. I stopped in my tracks, almost bumping into Lisa.

"Hi, Kel." She greeted with a slight smile.

"Hello, Lisa. Do you know if Mr. Miller is here or not?"

"He just left for a meeting." I let out an exhausted sigh while rubbing my hands down my face. "But, he told me to show you something. Follow me." She clutched onto her folders that were secured between her arms and her chest.

I followed behind her to the elevator that led us up to the thirteenth floor. She got off and I did the same, walking behind her down the long hallway. I nod my head at a couple of guys I've grown to know.

"And here it is. Your new office." She pushed the glass door open to reveal a much larger office than the one I have right now.

"Wow. For real?" I walked into to get a better view of the all white furnished office.

"Yes. He said you deserve it. He also left a note on your desk. I'll let you be." She said before making her way out the office. I smiled as I walked over to my desk to pick up the sticky note. The note informed me on how I'll be getting a raise for being such a solid worker.

This raise will really help me finally get out of my Pops' house. But this plan will help us more.

"Hey son." Pops greeted once I walked into the living room where he was located. I sat my keys on the table and did a head nod at him.

"I need to talk to you about this little plan you thought of. I've decided that I'll do it." I let out a deep breath.

"Really? That's great. So you're really down?" He held the television remote in his hand.

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