|16| » chapter sixteen.

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"Pause. Nigga, I don't want to hear about your sex life." I shook my head, trying to block out everything Dante' was trying to tell me about the little jawn he dicked down last night.

Certain niggas like to hear about their homies sexual life, but me on the other hand doesn't. I'm just not comfortable hearing about that, plus you shouldn't go around telling people about what you do in the bed room.

"All I'm saying is she put it on the boy." He chortled some and looked over at Semaj who was quiet.

Semaj isn't much of a talker when he's high and when he's not high. The conversation have to be very interesting for him to say anything. He really just observe you and what you're saying. Each of my guys are very different in their own ways.

We were sitting in the living room of my Pops' house. It was a Saturday and we didn't have anything to do since we were all off today, except for Myles. Monday will make a full week since I've been working at my new job. It's actually a pretty cool job with respectful and friendly co workers.

"When you catch something, don't say we didn't warn you." I responded as I felt my phone vibrate in my sweatpants pocket.

"Shut up, homeless."

I smacked my lips and waved him off. Yes, I'm still crashing at my Pops' house but that is until I get my money up enough to move closer to my job.

"I need some weed." Semaj mumbled, putting his head in his lap. His locks hung down beside him.

"You ran out of weed? Wow, that's unusual."

"Been trying to lay off." He lifts up and put his hands in his hoodie pocket.

"That's good, but why exactly?" I furrowed my eyebrows. That's not like Semaj to lay off of weed.

"'Cause of that new broad he's fucking with." Dante' yelled from the kitchen. I glanced at him and saw him in the refrigerator.

"You did this for her? You must be in love?" I egged on, smiling like an idiot.

Semaj only gave me a nonchalant look. He twist up his bottom lip and stood up from the couch. "Y'all be easy." He said before he started walking to the door.

"Nah nigga come here, let me ask you a question." I turned around to look at him.

"What?" He held the gold doorknob, ready to turn it.

"Tell me about your love life."

"You didn't want to hear about my sex life but you want to hear about his boring ass love life. Nigga, fuck you!" Dante' yelled from across the room.

"Are you.... gay?" Semaj asked while he looked me up and down.

"Nigga, fuck you! Get out!"

"Was leaving anyways, homeless." He smiled before turning the knob to go out the door. He closed the door behind him.

"Ah, he called you homeless too." Dante' chortled with a mouth full of grapes.

"Do you want to leave too?"

"Hell nah, I'm trying to eat." He held up a grape and popped it in his mouth. I shook my head and grabbed my phone.

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