|14| » chapter fourteen.

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Oh hell nah.

I turned around quickly and walked back into the restaurant where Kel and I were previously sitting. He was still sitting in the same seat. I only came back for the other plate of sushi I had ordered for him.

He noticed me and tried to say something but I held my hand up for him to not say a word as I grabbed my sushi. Once again, I stormed out the restaurant and stormed to my car.

It was pretty chilly outside so I quickly got into my car and start it up. I let out a frustrated sigh, rubbing my hands down the steering wheel.

Did he really think I should have sympathy for him when our breakup was very equivalent to his? I may not have found him in bed with his ex but gosh I still found out he was cheating.

I removed my warmed up car from the parking lot and started my journey to my home. I was exhausted and I really didn't do anything today that involved working so I really don't know how I'm exhausted.

I was greeted by Mitzi as soon as I unlocked the door to my apartment. She barked at me, gesturing a hello.

"You wouldn't believe what happen tonight." I blew out a breath, locking the front door behind me. I walked to the kitchen and sat the sushi on the table. I most likely will eat the rest tonight.

Mitzi followed me into the living room. I sat on the couch and she hopped on my lap while I kicked my shoes off.

"So how about Mr. Kel-" I paused, noticing what I was doing. "Never mind."

I stopped myself from talking to Mitzi because it just seemed weird to talk to her like she's a human being.

It was silent for a while throughout my apartment until I felt my coat vibrating. I grabbed my phone from my coat pocket to see an iMessage from my father.

(1) message • Dad

We're still on for dinner tomorrow, love?


I played with my straw that was floating in my ice water. I agreed to meet up with my father tonight for dinner and I was honestly surprised that he showed up before me. He's pushed this dinner off so many times that I thought we'll never have it.

It was an awkward silence for a while. I wanted to start a conversation with him, but I didn't know how.

"How's your health, sweetheart?" He broke the silence. I looked up from stirring my ice in my water and cleared my throat.

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