|7|» chapter seven.

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I might've always been viewed as the different type of female or some may say obsinate. The type that didn't fall for sweet things too easily. With that being said, Clark's poem threw me completely off. I almost felt uncomfortable the rest of the night.

We went on the rest of the night with brief conversations but I would admit my shell was coating me, I didn't open up in conversation. Besides, it was only the first date. He extended his hand out after opening the passenger door. I took his hand in mine and stood, balancing on the sidewalk.

Once he shut the door, we stepped up to my complex number and stopping there. I faced him and smiled politely to end the night. "Well tonight was enjoyable. Thanks for taking me out." I spoke with a nod. He did also.

"I noticed you got really quiet after the poem, i hope I didn't startle you. I just.." He trailed off, looking at me with concern. I shook my head.

"No it's fine. Was I surprised? Very, but I'll just take it as a compliment." I said. He sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness. I was hoping I didn't screw up on our first get together." He begun. "With that being said, when can I take you out again?" He interrogated, lastly.

With me being the type I am, I pondered over the thought. I'm usually really reserved and not always fond of too many dates. I also didn't want him to feel as though he needed to take me out every time so I offered instead. "What if I drive and pay next time and we just go to maybe a cooking class or something." I suggested.

He darted his eyes around before meeting mines again. "Eh alright, I guess I'll let you pay and drive. If you insist, just let me know." I nodded, patting his nice dress shirt.

"Okay. Goodnight Clark, be safe." I unlocked my door and entered in, turning towards him behind my door. He grinned widely.

"You too miss Aliza." He pretended to tip his hat as an amused side smile formed over my lips. He made his way down the staircase as closed the door and latched the locks. I turned to my penthouse, hearing Mitzi collar bell from a difference.

"Hey mommy's baby!"



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"Aye old man!" I joked, holding the leash of Ralo as I stepped into the home of my father's. After a long night with Iyana, she left for her daily job and I decided to drop Ralo back off where he belonged.

"Imma beat your ass up and down New York!" He yelled and it seem to be from the backyard. I unlatched the chain from Ralo and he ran through the open backdoors. I followed him, watching as my dad fixed the wood on his patio.

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