|28| » chapter twenty eight.

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"Dad would you listen." Aliza continued stomping behind her father as he walked, not bothering to see what she wanted.

"Aliza, sweetheart, I'm busy. I'm trying to get this wedding and contracts together. Shouldn't you be with your fiancee?" Her Dad stopped for a moment and looked down at the list of arrangements his assistant held up to him. He nodded in agreement to them and took a sip of his coffee.

"I'm not engaged." She huffed, rubbing her temples roughly. She was trying to be patient to give him respect but he was pushing the limits, her limits.

Mr. Miller turned to her with his eyebrows furrowed before one raised. "What do you mean? You took the ring."

"But I didn't accept. You did! You spoke up for me. Dad it's something I haven't told you. Kel aand I are exes. We've been seeing each other a lot but we broke up over a year ago. I don't think we really love each other. He just want the business, the money. Him and his dad."

Mr. Miller perked his lips as he thought for a moment. Not fully understanding, he chuckled and sipped from his Styrofoam cup once more. "Of course he wants it or he wouldn't have accepted my offer Aliza. I think you're just nervous for your big day."

"Dad!" Aliza screamed. She stared at him with slight disbelief but mostly seriousness, hoping he could read them. "There's no love between us. He just want the money. That's all he want. It's all a sham, don't you get that?"

Kel parked his car, got out and looked up at the house he'd became accustomed to coming to the past couple of days. He blew out a deep breath and did a cross over his chest before walking up the pathway towards the front door. He knocked and the day came open, Mr. Miller's assistant standing there.

She stood back without a word and let him inside. She felt the fury he was about to face in advanced as she pointed in the direction Mr. Miller was located. Kel thanked her and walked towards the large office.

He knocked against the open door, tucking his lips. Aliza and her father looked back at him, both having an unfavorable look glued to their faces. "Um hi Mr. Miller. Sorry for showing up unannounced but I wanted to discuss something with you that's pretty important."

"Hm." He started as he walked from around his desk. Aliza folded her arms, shaking her head at Kel as she stood out of the way. "Will my money be apart of this discussion?"

"Um actually, yes." Kel was confused as to how he would already know that or was it was coincidental. Maybe he just think it's more about accepting the deal when it's actually declining.

"I can't believe you'd do this to me. I looked at you like a son. I've given you everything and more but this is how you repay me?"

"Wait Sir what are you talking about?"

"You've dated my daughter before and you just proposed for money. Yes or no?"

Kel stood there dumbfounded. How did he find out? Or did he know this entire time? Kel sighed and closed his gapped mouth to swallow. He reopened it but wasn't able to say anything more before Mr. Miller continued.

"I don't know why I expected different from you. I guess I wanted different from you since you reminded me so much of myself when i was younger. Kel the deal is off. Also, you are unemployed from the business. I will not allow such a mischievous person in my circle." It seemed like it hurt Mr. Miller just to go forth with the action.

"You both disgust me." Aliza stated and pushed through them and left the house with one mentality; I'm done.


Now six months later, Aliza adjusted the picture on the wall and smiled at it. She heard the loud chime from outside sound so she stepped back from the wall and turned to leave her home.

She went through the yard into the house next to hers, going straight into the kitchen. "Evening mum." She greeted her mother as she clutched one of the clean bowls, ready for the soup her mom had prepared for dinner.

Finally after a lot of thinking and exhaustion of the city life, Aliza had moved herself and Mitzi to Haiti. Coincidentally they were able to build a small hut right next to her mom's house. She quit her job at her father's business and got a job with her mom at a nearby Farmer's market stand.

Life out here was simple, she would always remind herself but she had realized simple was definitely something she needed at this time in her life. She didn't need the money, penthouses, and destructive relationships only to be used in the end.

She felt stress free in Haiti with her mother and she loved the feeling. The free feeling was something new but she was cherishing every moment. Her and her mom chuckled slightly at a joke that was told. Aliza blew her hot soup and they both ate some while Mitzi ate dog chow nearby.

Meanwhile still in New York, Kel had joined business back with his father since Mr. Miller decision was definitely no bluff. It took a few months to get the maintenance business back together but they did it eventually.

Kel left everything Mr. Miller had purchased for him and decided to work honestly and hard for everything that he had. No, he didn't have a mansion but he did have an affordable apartment he was living in off his own money.

Kenneth did hold a bit of animosity towards Kel but he had to respect his decision that effected his life more. He could learn lessons from his own son that he raised. Kel held the nail to the woodpost as his dad hammered it.

"Wanna get lunch after this?" Kel asked and Kenneth blew out a breath then shrugged before being getting another screw.


Life was simpler for both Aliza and Kel. Who said you had to have riches to be happy? With that came heartache and stress but now they could avoid that, including each other. Life is all about going through the bad to realize the good. Besides, you can't show people the petals and not the thorns.

»Thanks for reading! Sorry for the suckish ending but hope everyone enjoyed. 😭
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