|22| » chapter twenty two.

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I caught myself in the middle of my snore. I opened my eyes and inhaled a deep breath, feeling chills cover my bare skin resulting into my arm and chest hairs standing in ovation.

I looked up to an unfamiliar ceiling then around the room - noticing I was in a queen size bed alone. That's when memories of last night between Aliza and I overflowed into my mind as I licked over my lips.

I leaned up to get out of bed but was quickly resisted to once my left wrist stayed back. I looked behind me and noticed it cuffed to the headboard. "Shit." I mumbled and turned then reached over to her nightstand and grabbed the key that sat on top.

I unlocked myself and freed my wrist, massaging it between my left hand as I looked towards the balcony. I saw smoke trailing from the side so decided to check it out. I clothed myself with my shirt and boxers that laid on the floor then stepped around the bed.

Once I got to the balcony glass, I peeked outside to see Aliza in a sheer robe with a furry trim as she smoked a cigarillo. The book in her hand titled Milk And Honey had her attention as her pet dog laid next to her feet. The dog head lifted from the ground at the sight of me so I slid the glass back.

"Hey." I spoke as I supported my weight up against the doorpost. She looked up at me and exhaled a lingering cloud of smoke, smiling small.


"So. . is this how all of your mornings are spent?" I asked, taking it upon myself to sit next to her in the other chair that was furnished out here.

She shook her head as she responded, "No, only when I can. I rarely even have time." She shut the book and sat it on the table between us as she drilled the cigar into her ash tray also on the table.

I looked down at her actions as she did it then back at her. "Seems relaxing." My tongue couldn't help but roll over my bottom lip as I looked at her -from the messing bun her hair was in to her Hershey kisses nipples poking against the material that I could see through more clearly up close. "I could get used to this."

I broke my stare of her body once her laughter erupted. She stood up and walked back into her bedroom with her dog following close behind. I knitted my eyebrows together and rose from the chair slowly, trailing behind her.

"You're funny Kel." She says, her chuckling finally ceasing as she was now in her kitchen. She scooped food from the can and dumped it into the food bowl, stroking her dog's head as she ate. I had just remembered the dog from the park. She called it Mitzi, I believe.

"Why does that have to be a Joke Ali? We've reconnected a few times. You still couldn't see us being something again?" I questioned. She eyeballed me before going to the sink, beginning to wash her hands.

"Kel, I think we broke up for a reason and -" I stepped over to the counter, looking across it at her.

"Yeah, a stupid reason. You for being so closed up and me for going back to Iyana. They were mistakes. You don't believe in second chances?" I ventured, raising a brow cautiously.

Her hand accompanied her hip as surveyed me as if she's trying to look through me by my body language, eyes, and words. "You're really dealing your cards right now not realizing I'm not playing spades."

I looked off to the side then back at her. I chuckled a bit and shook my head. "What? C'mon now Ali y'know I've never been able to understand those little sayings you always came up with. "

I slid across the floor and walked up to her, filling in the space between us. "Can you even admit you don't miss me just a tad?" I added, pushing the subject as her eyes went from mine to my lips continuously and vice versa.

Before she could dismiss me, I roughly leaned my body into hers as our lips touched. The back of her leaned up against the counter and cabinets as I sat my hands on top of the counter, trapping her between.

My tongue glided against hers as I adverted my head from each side, gaining more access to her mouth. Her hands gripped my face, pulling my beard hair downward painfully. I pulled her robe open, letting my hands freely roam and explore her body.

I groaned into her mouth as her lips parted, a low gasp escaped through. I smirked against her mouth as I reached around and grabbed the cheeks of her ass, shoving my tongue farther in her mouth reminding me of a similar action last night.

I heard low whines then a bark as I pulled back and looked downward at Mitzi. She looked up at us, wagging her tail fiercely as she spinned around. I chucked out a laugh at her until Aliza moved my hands and wrapped her robe back.

"Wait wait wait, I wasn't done." I stated in a joking tone as I reached to open back up her robe. I was interrupted once I heard my phone ring loudly from the bedroom. I left the kitchen and went into the room, searching it for my phone.

I found it in the pockets of my pants and pulled it out, seeing Mr. Miller was calling me. How ironic, I thought then answered it quickly. "Hello, good morning Mr. Miller."

"Hello Kel. I was just calling to see if you was fond of your new office?"

Nodding as if he could see me, I replied. "Oh yes sir! It's beautiful, the decor and everything. Thank you!"

"Aw it's no problem Kel, y'know you're one of my best workers. Maybe cause you're one of the only black men in my company. Almost remind me of myself at your age."

"I'm. .uh flattered sir for the comparison."

"Lisa informed me you wanted a word with me yesterday? What was it?" That's when my idea popped back into my mind.

"Oh yes! Yes, it was an idea I had thought of that I think will make Google more appealing to the eye." Before I continued, I sat on the bed. "So I thought maybe instead of the ole boring Google, no offense -"

"None taken. Carry on. "

"How about we add new effects to it every twenty four hours? Like let's say if it's Martin Luther King's birthday, we somehow emerge him into the letters or make the letters into a podium that he's standing behind."

I continued to go into deeper details as he stayed on the other end of the line, adding his input in here and there but not too often. Finally I was done and shut my mouth. The quietness is what made me grow nervous.

"Kel . . this is genius!" He finally exclaimed and i could let out a breath of relief.

"You really think so? " I ask, almost like an excited child whose parent was agreeing with them.

"One hundred percent. Next meeting at your branch, we've got to find a way to make this happen!"

» Just something light *lean squad voices* 😂😂 Dia wrote this. Writers block is that you?

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