|27| » chapter twenty seven.

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I twirled the engagement ring between my index and middle finger. I neither declined or accepted but my father spoke up for me. Kel gave me the ring before they went off to discuss more about the business while i was left in my thoughts.

The couple of reuniting Kel and i had had the past few months has been nice but I didn't truly understand my feelings toward him. Besides, he hadn't expressed any strong marriage type feelings towards me until now. Was this genuine love?

I heard a knock at my door so i put both feet on the floor and headed towards it. I glanced out the peephole before opening it wide. "Hey." I greeted him and stood back so he could come inside.

"What's up? So. .Why'd you call me here?" Danté turned his attention away from my living room back to me. I closed and locked the door, rubbing my hands together.

I invited Dantè here to elaborate on his outburst at the store just yesterday. It was too ironic with this situation just to be coincidental. "So Kel proposed."

He widened his eyes for a moment but wiped off the expression and nodded. "That's. .um nice."

"Has he mentioned any of his feelings for me to you? You are one of his best friends." I say as he takes a seat and rubs the back of his neck.

"Yeah, here and there. What is it you want with me?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow. I sped walked to the other couch and looked across at him.

"Dantè you said something at the store about someone may try to take advantage of me? What did you mean?"

He looked at me intently as i did the same to him. I just needed honest answers before I go along with any decisions. He exhaled deeply and begin to speak.

"I think Kel is stating to catch feelings for you again but i think he's mostly only marrying you for the money. His dad has been influencing him a lot about it and felt it would be easy considering you guys are exes."

I nodded slowly. I wasn't surprised much. This was one of the main reasons I kept the secret of who my father was to myself especially in relationships.

"Listen..i actually work undercover for the FBI in some cases. I wish I could help you with this by law but fraud sham marriages are usually only illegal when it's dealing with an immigrant." He continue to explain.

I was surprised to know what his occupation was. I guess everyone has secrets. I simply nodded my head and stood up, him doing the same.

"No it's fine. I can handle it. Thank you Dantè." I thanked him. He nodded and looked to the floor for a moment.

"I'm sorry this had to happen to you. I know you're a good person."

"It's crazy because everyone just wants to use and steal from me. I'm a really generous person. If anything, I'll give you what you need if you ask." I vent for a moment. The sound of mitzi's collar jingling broke my thoughts as she trotted towards me.

I lifted her into my arms then cleared my throat of the lump that was fixing to form in it. "Thanks again."

I unlocked the door and opened it for him as he walked out. He left so I bit down on my lip. I grabbed Mitizi 's leash and sat her on her paws. Once I slid into some tennis shoes and clamped the leash to her collar, we exited for a walk -for her to dispense her waste and me to clear my mind.



Ralo barked as my father laughed hysterically, prancing around. I shook my head in disapproval as i poured more Hennessey into the glass and threw it back, letting the burn ease my spirit.

"This. This right here is the key to happiness Kel. You did it." He dramatically kissed the check Mr. Miller had wrote me in advanced of taking the position.

Paying for things out of my pocket had almost became foreign to me. Not only with my house, but he was going to finance the wedding as well.

"I sure don't feel happy." I admit, pouring another shot and threw it back as well. If anything, i was stressed and overwhelmed with all of this. I wasn't ready for marriage or to take over a business. I wanted all of that to come eventually from hard work and real love -not fraudulently.

I could feel the liquor buzz brew in my system as I looked up at my dad. "I'm not doing it." He stopped waltzing with Ralo and looked at me bewilderedly.


"I can't do this anymore. I should've said no from the jump but i was stupid. Now I'm not. I'll rather be broke again than be a liar and scammer. I can't do this." I spat in honesty.

I rose to my feet and snatched my jacket from the couch. I slid my arms through and zipped it up quickly. "And I won't." I finished off, snatching the check from his hand and ripped it into numerous pieces.

"Nigga are you crazy?" He yelled and i swore i saw steam blow through his nose. I disagreed.

"I was but I'm gaining my freedom of choice back. You go live off some older woman if you want. I feel bad that you quit your job because of this." I clutched my keys as he begin to yell at me in anger.

I opened the front door as things scattered behind me. Before I could leave though, he asked, "Where the hell are you going?"

"To set things straight." I replied and left, slamming the door behind me. This may cost me my job, home, and possible future relationship with Aliza but they say honesty is the best policy. I just hope this time it's worth it.

» written by Dia.

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