1.2 Mikael Eklof wants to

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~ Mikael ~

Since the new club is on the other side of town, we have to get there by subway, and I'm sitting next to Elija, who seems rather excited to go. I don't even know why, because he promised he wouldn't pick up anyone tonight. Why else would he go? I wonder for how long he's going to keep his word. He did say he swore on his aunt's life, which would imply he's pretty serious—he absolutely loves his aunt, although he would never admit it—but he's not exactly known for his celibacy. He can't be coming just for us.

I try to look out the window during our ride, but Elija is in the way. Too lazy to move, I look at his profile instead. I often find myself wondering why it has to be so fucking perfect. I mean, his nose is so perfectly straight, his lips so perfectly full, his... everything is just too perfect. He never brags about it, but he uses his looks to his full advantage. He can get anyone he wants with them. He can lure just about anyone into his bed. I've even heard stories of how he slept with someone that wasn't even into guys (who obviously denied it afterward).

And I have to say, I'm jealous. I am quite jealous. But the weird thing is, I'm not jealous of his looks. I'm not jealous of him. Nor am I jealous of the attention he gets.

I'm jealous of the attention he gives. Jealous of the other people that he spends so much time with. Every time he comes back late at night, or even only the next day, I get so extremely annoyed. Why can't he just stay home and spend time with his friends?

These people he goes out with, to do God knows what, take him away from me, and I know it shouldn't matter, because you know, he can do whatever he wants, but I can't help it. He's been my best friend since we were four, after I moved here from Sweden with my family, and we've always been there for each other ever since.

I mean, of course there's Gray and Seth, too. But I've always been closest to Elija. I could say it's a long story, but really, I honestly have no idea what it was going on with him back in high school. Whatever it was, it had brought us closer than ever, and sometimes I really miss those times.

With a shake of the head, I turn away from him and look at my other friends in front of me instead. Gray's looking down at his shoes, not really paying attention to what Elija and Seth are talking about. Gray is always a bit absent like that, lost in his own world, but he's sweet. He's kind of the shy and awkward kid in our group.

And Seth is just... Seth. The bouncy ball. He's always excited about everything, a bit over-dramatic at times, but he doesn't give a damn. He doesn't care about what others think of him. He's strong.

I'm pulled out of my train of thought, when Elija grabs my hand and Gray's to pull us up from our seats. We stumble out of the subway like drunken idiots, because three is clearly a bit too much to go through the door at once, and Seth follows us laughing loudly. The others on the platform give us weird looks, but we don't care.

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