0.4 And the rest is history

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~ Randolph ~

Four hours of staring at the bald spot on the ceiling in complete shock and Zack finally rolls over. I snatch my gaze away to look at him and he blinks tiredly, trying to focus, until he realizes that I'm lying in the bed beside him. This is so stupid. We weren't even drunk!

"Uhh, right..." he croaks, dragging a hand down his face.

"Why did we do this again?" I ask eventually.

"You needed a distraction."

"Right," I mutter. "Thanks for distracting me—"

Before I can get going, I get cut off by my phone.

Grumbling and fumbling around in the half-lit room in search for the screaming phone, hidden somewhere in the tangle of clothes, I finally find it in the pocket of my pants. I pick it up right away and almost fall off the bed when I hear Gina's voice coming out of the speaker.

"Dolph, are you at Daniel's?"

"U-uhm..." I mentally smack myself in the face. "Yes."

"Oh, why didn't you tell us you were going there? Mom planned something for today."

"I'll be home ASAP," I tell her, immediately reaching for my clothes, tossing Zack's over my shoulder, hoping they'll land in his face. Honestly, there's nothing more satisfying than being passive aggressive.

"You don't have to," Gina objects. "You're with Daniel."

"No, it's fine. I'm on my way." I hang up the phone before she can start asking questions and get up from the bed, but Zack stops me by grabbing my wrist with a soft, "Wait."

I sigh softly and turn to him. He's lying stretched across the bed to reach me, only half of the sheets covering his divinely sculpted naked— Fucking hell. I snatch my gaze away from his body to look at his face and ask, "What is it?"

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For..." He sighs. "Everything really. Being a dick, cheating on you, and now sleeping with you, while you're hung up on your ex. I used you."

I close my eyes and sit down on the bed again, before muttering, "You didn't use me, Zack. I mean... Maybe, I used you, too."

He shuts his mouth, looking down at the bed. "Yeah, I guess."

The room is silent, both of us deep in thought, until Zack mumbles, "So... now what?"

I let out another sigh. "I don't know."

"Do you... Why did you—" He frowns. "Ugh, I don't know, Randy. Just, why did you come here? Of all places."

"Because I miss you, okay?" I groan miserably. "I still fucking love you and it's fucking stupid and annoying and I hate it and then there was Gray and it was all wonderful, but then he broke up with me and you said hi and it all came back and it's just fucking shit, okay? That's why."

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