9.4 We need to get out of here

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~ Elija ~

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~ Elija ~

I have no idea what's going on with Seth and Gray, other than the fact that they kissed, which would understandably cause some tension, but not this much. Mikael seems to know, though, since he keeps shooting them glares—mostly Gray. When we all have the keys to our rooms, we immediately crash onto the beds and sleep off the jet lag until the next morning. When Mikky and I head over to the foyer, where we agreed to meet up with the rest, I stop him in one of the halls of the hotel to ask him about our friends and he heaves a deep sigh, first taking his sweet-ass time to complain about Gray not telling me himself, before finally explaining.

"He broke up with Randy?" I repeat. "Can't say I didn't see it coming, but damn... How'd he take it—Randy?"

"I found him crying, so not very well, but he told me he understood why he broke with him. They both knew it wasn't going anywhere, bla bla, you know the deal. And Gray said it didn't have anything to do with Seth."

"Well, that's a load of bullshit."

"Exactly, but the thing is, they still haven't talked. Like, at all."

I see... So that's why they're traipsing around like they'll die just from looking at each other. "We just gotta wait for them to face the truth then... They obviously like each other."

"Weird, isn't it?"

"Very," I agree, and he shrugs and grabs my hand to walk down the hall together. We've nearly arrived at the foyer, when a group of teenage boys passes us in the hall and sees us walking together. They stop talking about whatever British boys on vacation to Sweden talk about, and even stop walking to stare. They seem to think it's funny to cuss us out for holding hands and being 'really fucking gay'.

And they're right. It is funny. Quite hilarious, in fact. Mikky and I only have to share a glance, before we simultaneously burst out laughing, leaning on each other's shoulders to stay upright. It would be an understatement to say it shocks the five boys.

They stare at us dumbfoundedly, until one of them snarls, "What's so funny, faggots?" and I laugh even harder, if that's even possible. I choke on my own spit, causing me to lose my balance and fall to the floor.

Apparently, our laughter was audible all the over in the foyer, because our friends come around the corner, looking what all the commotion is about. Sebastian and Seth instantly walk up to us, Gray quietly following behind, curious to know why we're laughing our asses off, and why I'm lying on the floor doing so. Seth sticks out his hand to pull me up.

At the sight of the increased amount of grown men—especially tall guys like Seth and Sebastian—the boys pale and don't dare to utter another word.

"What the hell is going on here?" Sebastian asks, shooting the kids a questioning look.

"Sebastian, my friend," I say, clapping him on the back, trying very hard not to break into another fit of laughter. "Meet the new generation of homophobes."

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