4.4 You're lying

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~ Elija ~

She's touching him. All the time. She's batting her eyelids like a fucking Barbie, showing her oh-so-charming smile to him, blushing the whole time. She looks freaking ridiculous, if you ask me. I wonder why Mikael is even giving her his attention. Oh right, because she's got a gorgeous body, warm, kind eyes, a high twinkling laugh, and a nice personality, too, probably, though I wouldn't know, because I really don't care what they're talking about. All I care about is the fact that they're standing way too close to each other and that her hand seems stuck to his arm most of the time.

Fuck, who knew I'd be so jealous?

I just want to rip her away from him and (as cheesy as it sounds) I want to hold him in my arms and kiss him silly so he knows he's mine. But he isn't. That's the whole problem. That's why I'm standing at the bar, sipping my drink—I don't even know what it is I'm drinking—and having to endure the sight before me. I can't break them apart, because I have no right. Mikky doesn't want me.

It even hurts to just think the words. It hurts so unbelievably much, but all I can do is deal with the pain and watch him talk to girls that I don't give a shit about. Love fucking sucks.

I can't do it anymore. I just can't.

I rip my gaze away from Mikky and the pretty girl, slam my glass on the bar and head off to the restroom. I hear Seth calling my name behind me and I expect him to catch up to me and grab me by the shoulder to ask where I'm going, but his hand never touches me. I get to the toilets unbothered and I spare a quick glance backward to see that Seth isn't even in sight. He must have lost me in the crowd. Good. I don't want to explain why I'm feeling like this.

I don't even want to be feeling like this.

I enter the restroom and stalk towards the sinks, resting my hands on the cold stone, and stare at my reflection in the mirror. God, I even look jealous. Is that possible?

I turn the tap on and bring my hands under the stream of cold water. Splashing the water into my face thankfully helps to calm me down. It doesn't make the horrible feeling go away, but it helps me focus on the things that are important, which is that I can't have Mikky. I can't have him and I need to find peace with that.

I keep looking at my face, examining all the details in my skin, as if I can find something in it. As if I can find the peace I so desire. Then the door opens and I look away from the mirror to see who came in. I expect it to be a random guy from inside, whom I don't know, or maybe just Seth, but, to my surprise, it's neither of those.

It's Mikael himself.

"Elija?" he asks. "What are you doing?"

"Admiring my beauty," I say with a laugh. I know it sounds fake and I'm not the only one who hears it.

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