1.3 Seth Langley, what's wrong?

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~ Seth ~

Just like any other time I don't have anything to do, I'm just hanging on the sofa, watching TV with Gray, when someone knocks on our door. I walk up to it and open it to see Mikky standing there, a troubled look on his face. "Um, why are you here?"

Gray and I always go over to Mikael and Elija's apartment— it's never the other way around.

"I uh... I'd rather not talk about it," he says vaguely. He really does look very upset, but I don't ask him about it and let him in. He stalks over to the sofa and drops down on my former spot. He sighs deeply, pressing his palms into his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Gray asks.


"It's obviously not nothing."

"Just forget about it."

Gray raises an eyebrow. "Okay..."

"Why don't you sleep in my bed and I'll sleep with Elija instead?" I offer. Mikael peers up at me and nods thankfully.

I desperately want to know why he wouldn't want to sleep in his own apartment, but if he doesn't want to tell me I won't push him. It's none of my business. He's not obligated to tell me anything. So I grab a pair of college pants to sleep in and leave Gray and Mikky alone. I open the door of the other apartment with the spare key Gray and I got ages ago, so we can walk in whenever we want (which we do more often than we should).

It's already pretty late after going to that club and everything, and I have class again in the early morning, so I just head straight into the bedroom. For a moment, I find myself staring at the beds, and realize I honestly can't remember which one is Mikky's. I'm here so often it's almost like I live her, yet I've never actually been in the bedroom. What's worse, the beds look exactly the same.

I shrug and walk over to the left bed, creeping under the covers. If it's Elija's he can go sleep in Mikky's for once. I'm not moving. I'm tired as hell. When I close my eyes, getting comfortable in the soft bed, I instantly fall asleep.

I wake up to the weight of somebody dropping onto the bed beside me and my eyes shoot open in surprise. When I turn over, I see it's Elija lying next to me, already buried under the covers with his eyes closed.



"You can sleep in the other bed."

"This is mine and Mikky's is awful."

I sigh, giving up on trying to get him to move. If he can stay still and not toss me out of the bed in his sleep, he can stay. I probably wouldn't be able to change his mind anyway.

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