10.3 The first time we use that word

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~ Gray ~

Going back home means two different things. The good news is that I finally get to go out with Seth. Go to fun places and have a great time with him, which honestly isn't all that different from what we did before, but... we're dating now and that makes it a hell of a lot more exciting. Toe-curling exciting. The bad news is that Seth is starting his treatment once we get back to the US. And I don't exactly know yet what it will mean for usin particular, but whatever happens, I'll be right there by his side throughout the whole thing.

As much as I'd love to go out with him the very moment we step foot on American soil, we can't. It's late at night when we arrive and Seth is supposed to be at the hospital the day after. I don't mind that much, though, because the sooner he can get treated, the sooner he'll get better, and if there is anything I want more than anything, it's for Seth to be healthy. His parents wanted to come over to the hospital to be there with their son, but they couldn't leave their jobs soon enough to be back on time, and as much as they wanted to come, I've heard how horrible their bosses can be. They're the kind that fire you if you even as much as fart in the wrong direction. So naturally, I'm going with Seth to his appointment instead.

I can tell that, despite the front he's put up, he's incredibly nervous. His eyes are constantly flicking around, not focussing on anything longer than a second, and I eventually hold out my hand for him to take. He freezes and turns his head to me, as if he forgot I was even walking beside him, and I just squeeze his hand with a small smile.

"Sorry," he murmurs, chuckling softly.

"You don't have to apologize. I'd be nervous, too. I am nervous."

He smiles and leans down to give me a short, sweet kiss, not caring that the group of teenagers on the bench outside the hospital are staring at us openmouthed. I can't help but grin at them, before realizing Seth is already entering the hospital. I hurry in after him, following him to the ward we need to be. When we finally find the place, a woman meets us in the waiting room, asking for Seth.

The woman, who introduced herself as Dr. Leroy, looks at me and starts to ask, "Are you a rela—" Her eyes go from Seth with his dark skin and then to me with skin as white as copy paper, but she asks anyway, "Are you a relative?"

For all she knew, one of us was adopted, but Seth lets out a snort anyway. "No, he's, uh... he's my—"

Yeah, that's just great... The first time we use that word is when we're telling a doctor about it. So far, we've only established we're 'like dating or something' as Seth so eloquently put it. Yet, this woman is awaiting our response with a friendly smile, so there's no other option than to tell her. "I'm his boyfriend," I tell her.

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