6.2 It's weird

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~ Mikael ~

Well then... That happened. Again, I suppose. I don't exactly know what to think of it, other than the fact that it was fucking great. I had to come to the conclusion that I should stop overthinking it all and just live in the moment. After all, I was honest all the way through and that's the best I could do. I promised him I was trying! Now that the moment is gone, however, remembering some of the things I said... To be honest, they scare me a lot.

I never thought I'd say those things! Like I said that Elija was really hot and I've never thought that of any man, but... damn, was he hot. And beautiful, too. It's weird... So weird.

I shake my head and look ahead of me again, at the tiled wall before me. I might kind of be hiding in the bathroom, although I haven't locked the door—we never do that—but I am out of Eli's sight, so yes, I am hiding. I really need to collect my thoughts for a moment. To think about what just happened.

"Mikky?" I hear Elija call outside the room. "What kind of pizza do you want?"

He's ordering pizza? "Uhh... Just the regular."

"Margherita it is."

I throw some cold water in my face, dry it off and take a deep breath, before finally emerging from the bathroom. Elija looks up as I come in and his entire face just... lights up. I nearly freeze on the spot. Is he that happy to see me? Slowly, I walk over to the sofa and sit beside him. He looks at me from the side and I can tell he's waiting for me to say something—what, I don't know.

"Eli?" I say softly.


"Don't take it badly if I seem uh... cold for a while, I guess. I don't mean to be. I just— I need to get used to it."

"Sure thing," he murmurs, looking away from me.

"I say a lot of shit when I'm in the moment and... I'm not saying I don't mean it, but it just... It just feels weird now, you know? Not like, it's weird to say stuff like that in general, but it's weird for me to be saying it to you. At least... I don't know..."

"Is it still weird?"

"I'm getting there." I flash him a smile. "Like I said, just need to get used to it. I'm still trying."

"Okay, good."

Minutes later, our pizzas have arrived, and when I get them from the delivery guy at the door downstairs, I encounter Seth in the halls. He catches my gaze and I can see he's trying very hard not to smirk—and failing hard, too. Unfortunately for him, I don't feel like talking to him at all, so I just give him a glare and attempt to step past him, but he says, "Woah-woah-woah, wait!"

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